Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daily Inspiration 2-28-16

"We don't see things as they are, 
we see them as we are." 

-- Anais Nin 

Many people don't believe that we create our own world, and I respect their beliefs. I, for one, very much believe that we do create our own world, and I have all kinds of evidence of that as I pay attention to the subtle changes that become major changes in my life.

Many people don't believe in the Law of Attraction, and I respect their beliefs. I, for one, know for sure and for certain that the Law of Attraction is not only real but that it is something that rules the entire Universe and that believing in it or not doesn't matter. It simply is. It simply and perfectly does. With or without our belief. With or without our knowledge. With or without our participation. It is in a simple way that gravity is, yet infinitely more powerful and far-reaching. Gravity doesn't care whether we believe in it or not. It simply is.

I didn't decide to change. I don't recall a decision in that way. I was searching, however, for answers, for wisdom, to have a better life. Little decisions, maybe. Like, I would buy a book or something by following my inner guidance, even though at the time, I would not have known it that way so much.

I have a book on my bookshelf by Gloria D. Benish, titled, Go Within or Go Without - A Simple Guide To Self-Healing. Many times I'll walk by my bookshelf and see that title and it reminds me where all of my answers come from. They come from inside me.

Paul Coehlo said, "What is a teacher? I'll tell you: It isn't someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of her best in order to discover what she already knows." All of the best external teachers and mentors in my life are good for me because they lead me to my own inner knowing. How do I know this? Because their teaching resonates within me. To me, to resonate means to match vibrations creating resonance or fullness--to vibrate in unison.

But, I said I have evidence. It is this: the people that used to be in my life that seemingly caused confusion, dissonance, argument, bad feelings, anger, frustration, and a long list of other mental and physical ailments, are no longer there. They are not in my world anymore. I used to attract them because, without realizing it, I was a vibrational match to what that person was bringing to me. What I thought was their crap was indeed, my own. What was their anger, I found within myself? Though it doesn't seem logical, our vibrations were resonating or matching. The Law of Attraction is unfailing. It always matches us up with who we are at the moment, and what we have been thinking and feeling leading to that moment. I brought it on myself so to speak.

As I learned more about this and what I was doing to myself, by giving up the blaming of others, I began also to accept responsibility for my own life and those that I come in contact with. As I changed for the better, the strangest secret or the strangest thing happened: the people around me began to change for the better. Now the people around me are generally happy, kind, considerate, thoughtful, loving, inspiring, uplifting because I am those things and as the Law of Attraction matches my vibrations with like vibrations of others, I find more and more joy in my life and I create a better and more enjoyable world within and all around me.

Change Yourself And You Change Those Around You. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Stir it up, spin it like cotton candy, delight in the treat.

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