Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Daily Inspiration 1-28-15

"The reward of a thing well done 
is having done it." 

"Nothing great was ever achieved 
without enthusiasm." 

"The creation of a thousand forests 
is in one acorn."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Yesterday's 'train the trainer' commercial truck training event went very well. My joy was in the opportunity and in the doing of this. The reason I say that is because of the passion and enthusiasm at the basis, and as Emerson says, nothing great was ever achieved without it.

In addition, my joy is to share my perspective on this subject with any who would like to learn more and different ways to approach commercial truck sales and management. That is why I wrote the book, Commercial Truck Success. Within that acorn is a thousand forests.

One of my connections on LinkedIn sent me a complimentary message saying that I was "an influential resource in the work truck industry." Kind words, and I like kind words. I have endeavored to be of service, but I've also had people think I was crazy and misguided. What others think cannot guide me, I need to look within and operate from my own inner guidance or alignment. 

Yesterday began from a potentially negative place and I chose a different response. I chose laughter, being lighthearted. I began driving to the location 90 minutes away with a set of intentions. I intended enthusiasm, sharing my passion, teaching in a way that they want to learn and that they would enjoy their time. I intended to cover what was important and to fill them with more enthusiasm for what they do. I intended safe, efficient and enjoyable travel to and from all destinations. I intended to enjoy myself. That pre-paving of the day with these intentions made a difference as they always do.

The training was full day from 9am to 4:30pm, and I was a little hoarse at the end, but I was elated with the event. The thing that I felt the most joy in was in teaching enthusiasm and demonstrating passion. In the afternoon section, we were learning how to do an effective walk-around presentation of different truck bodies. They began with bland facts about the truck body and after some coaching, ended with some absolutely grand presentations full of enthusiasm, passion, interaction, and a better way to point out features. In fact, one of them might be the best presentation I've ever seen. What a rush it is to see that transition and the joy on their faces in having done it and felt the improvement themselves.

They left the training with a different outlook on what they do and some tools and ways to be more effective with their dealers. I left with the reward of having done it. It was a more than fair exchange.

Now I'm Ready For Ten More! 

Spread Some Joy Today--because there just isn't anything better than spreading joy. And, it's not about what others get, it's about us having done it. Of course, you have to have it to spread it, so you get the best of it.

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