Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Daily Inspiration 6-3-14

"If you cannot be the poet, 
be the poem." 

-- David Carradine 

I'm fascinated by things and people I run across these days, and even more fascinated in how I feel at the time.

Today, I was out for lunch with a friend, and on the way back home, I stopped at a bank to make a deposit. I was in line and as I looked up from filling out a form, a woman came to get in line behind me and my eyes were delighted by the uniqueness of her. She was an African-American, so her skin color was medium brown, and she had what I call splotches of white skin all over her face and hands. There was no pattern to it at all, and it was quite dramatic to see.

This is the kind of situation where most might avoid looking to insure no staring, and certainly no speaking, just move along in line and exit in a timely manner. So, I turned to her looking her straight in the face and said, "you have a very interesting face!" She began telling me that she has this unknown thing where the pigment in her skin disappears. She has to wear lots of sun screen to avoid sunburn even inside sometimes. She said that it even moves around, and one day her ear will be partly white and the next day not and so on. I said, "how interesting is that?"

I moved up in line, then I wanted to tell her what I thought when I first saw her, so I said, "I think you have a very attractive face." She said something about not blushing, and then said, "thank you very much. I rarely get any compliments and I appreciate what you said." I introduced myself and said it was a pleasure to meet her, then I went to the window and as I was leaving, waved to her and she waved back with a big smile.

It's amazing what we can do to make someone's day special. All it took for me today with two people is say what I thought when I looked at them. Yet, how often are we bold enough to do that? That's one aspect of these two meetings.

The other aspect is that each of us is unique and at the same time we are all the same. We're made of the same materials and energy, and we all come from the same source, yet our choices and families and circumstances have created a unique person in each of us that is worthy of knowing, which will ultimately bring us to our mutual oneness.

We often might want to hide uniqueness to mirror others and blend in, but I like unique more and more all the time. This woman with the interesting changing face really was beautiful to me. I didn't feel the slightest bit strange being with her or talking with her. In fact, I was honored and blessed to have made her acquaintance. In fact, both of them made my day, not the other way around.

Celebrate Life, Each Other, And Ourselves! 

Spread Some Joy Today--Compliment people if it's sincere. It might make their day, but I know it will make yours!

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