Sunday, June 29, 2014

Daily Inspiration 6-29-14

"Awareness is the greatest 
agent for change." 

-- Eckhart Tolle 

People say I'm the most positive person they know and I'm happy that they think that because that is exactly what I want to be, and often am. However, there are days when I'm just not feeling as good as I would like and today was one of those days.

I was working on the Internet for some clients and got some things done, had to get up and went to walk the dog and enjoy the warm sunshine and get us both out of the office. I wasn't unhappy exactly today, but not as happy as I often am. I think the main thing that causes this for me is that I get lost in the past a bit. 

Memories are interesting sometimes and I have millions of them, and I was noticing that pretty much everything on my walls and around me is something from the past, whether photos, plaques, memorabilia. Each of these I see causes a memory of some kind from them, and often I will not spend any time on that, but today, I think I sort of got lost in some of it.

The other thing I do that causes physical discomfort is that when I am thinking about the past, I have a tendency to eat too much. Seems like that just goes along for the ride.

In years gone by, I did this a lot and for long periods, but now my saving grace is awareness of what I am doing. I am paying attention to how I feel and as I realize that I am feeling poorly, I want to feel better and can do something right away about it, or at least sometime during the day.

What I was going through mentally was resistance. I can feel it in my gut and also my shallow breathing. So, I felt the resistance, realized my breathing and I started breathing more deeply. After a few minutes of that, I was already much better. Then, I started finding things to be grateful for and to appreciate, and pretty soon I was back with the living and in the present instead of the past.

I like how Eckhart Tolle says this in more detail: "Always say "yes" to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say "yes" to life--and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you." I had to highlight the one very short sentence in there that says to 'surrender to what is.' What a powerful reminder to learn to allow rather than resist.

"If You Get The Inside Right, The Outside Will Fall Into Place. Primary Reality Is Within; Secondary Reality Without." -- Eckhart Tolle 

Spread Some Joy Today--Lighten up on yourself. Find 25 things to praise yourself about.

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