Saturday, September 14, 2013

Daily Inspiration 9-14-13

"No great man ever complains
of want of opportunity."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Probably one thing I've studied more than others is biographies of successful people. In all cases that I can recall, each would not only embody, but state such similar sentiments as Ralph Waldo Emerson in the quote above.

This applies to such notables as Donald Trump, Robert Kiosaki, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Andrew Carnegie, Ray Kroc, and the list goes on and on and on. One recent quote from Warren Buffett, after being asked about his mistakes stated that the biggest losses were those of 'omission.' In other words, it was the opportunities that were so abundant that he failed to take hold of that were the ones that could have made him so much more money. So the opportunities for these people are everywhere around them and there are so many, they don't have time to get to them all and entertain them, let alone take advantage of them.

It is those who are in want, believing in lack, blaming others and so on that cannot seem to see opportunities. They cry out for opportunities and yet are so blind of themselves that they cannot see the forest for the trees. It is indeed, a strange contrast, but also a lesson.

When we cannot seem to realize the opportunities all around us, we must use that contrast as a wake-up call, for it is just then that the opportunities are peaking. One of my top ten favorite quotes of all time speaks of taking advantage of opportunities. It is by William Shakespeare. He said, "there is a tide in the affairs of men, when taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." Remembering this quote has helped me to realize that the 'best yet may be to come.'

If you ever feel down and lacking in opportunity, take heart! Many people have been in this place, such as the likes of Warren Buffett, Harvey Firestone, Henry Ford and many others. You're in good company, but don't linger but a very short time in that space. Instead, embrace the possibilities that abundance is so near.

Here's how to speed it up. Look for things and people to praise. Look for things and people to love. Look for things and people to appreciate. As you do, you will see a brighter, more positive world all around you, and miraculously, opportunities will be appearing all around you.

It's Just Like Magic!

Spread Some Joy Today--"Scatter joy!" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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