Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily Inspiration 1-11-12

"The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is
his success, his influence, his power for good.
Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom."

-- James Allen

I find myself fascinated more often as I realize that I am living and experiencing ideals that I have desired in my life, yet at earlier times seemed hard to attain. As soon as I realize that I am fulfilling one of my ideals, I have to pause for a moment and smile with joy. Many of these ideals may seem simple to many, and they really are, and at the same time so powerful. One of them is a calmness as described by James Allen.

It happened again today as my wife and I drove out to a favorite spot in the Suisun Marsh, just a couple miles from our house. We drive about three miles into the marsh and stop at a boat landing and watch boats come in and go out for a few minutes. We often stop on the way for a Starbuck's to sip on the way.

It's a very low traffic area, but sometimes people are in a hurry to get to the other side, so I had one such behind me, so I pulled aside momentarily and let him pass, then continued on. As I was driving I just realized how calm I was, how calm my driving was, how I was enjoying all of the scenery on the way out and on the way back. Time almost stood still. It was so peaceful and relaxing and wonderful. There was no hurry to get to the stopping point and no hurry to get back.

Another interesting thing I've noticed is that people say things about me always having a smile, not in a hurry, looking like I'm enjoying life, being very patient and so on. Many of these people are people who have seen me many times like store clerks and such. Each time I hear them say something like that it is a joy to hear that the outward me is showing off the inward me. It's also reinforcement that I am living those ideals of being calm, content, joyful.

I love how Lao Tzu expresses this idea by saying, "be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." That is really how it feels to me.

I Am Continually Grateful And Every Day Expanding My Joy All The More.

Spread Some Joy Today--Don't you know that joy is so contagious. Want to make a difference? Find joy in your life and others will think it is pixie dust and want it as well.

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