Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daily Inspiration 4-19-11

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."

-- Marcus Aurelius

I was listening to someone's opinion of what I was doing, and I have learned in the last few years to accept that for what it is--an opinion. It made me think of people standing in a circle and as they stand there focusing on what is in front of them, it is abundantly clear that each and every one of them has a unique and different perspective. Each would then have their own truth about what they see and their interpretation of it, whereas, someone on a different position would not agree with their opinion.

I think it is slightly important (just barely. . .) to consider what others viewpoints may be, if for no other reason than being aware that there would certainly have to be differences of opinion, different views of the same object or event, and so on to acknowledge there are other perspectives and interpretations.

In the final analysis, there is only one opinion that really matters and that is our own. Each of us is similar to the captain of a ship. A large ship may have a crew and even several officers that give advice and information, but when it comes down to it, the captain carries the full responsibility for the decisions. Consider a ship where the captain is not fond of making decisions, has to consult with this person and that, being unsure of what to do and always looking for another perspective to consider. That ship would have the most difficult time just getting away from the dock, let alone out of the harbor.

Each of us is the captain in charge of our own voyage. Listening to others viewpoints and opinions can be helpful, but in due time, if we are to move ahead, we need to rely on and trust in our own opinion.

Bon Voyage!

Spread Some Joy Today--Decision making is always the most sought-after quality, and the most highly paid too. Got decisions?

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