Saturday, January 26, 2019

Daily Inspiration 1-26-19

"Every moment of the day
you are standing in your choice. . .
As you choose love, 
as you operate from love,
you move upwards.
Reprimand, we will say,
is an opposite choice. . .
Think of how the word feels 
as it is spoken.
It implies a cutoff. 
It implies a negative reaction.
To be in reprimand 
is to stop the flow of love."

-- Paul Selig
The Book of Love and Creation

[Classic post from 9-25-17]

I'm going to continue my theme that began on Friday. It's interesting how current events can demonstrate what I've written about, such as, the President chastising the NFL and the NFL rebelling against that criticism. Then, there are all these posts on Facebook and other places where people are spreading fear and anger toward all manner of things they see as wrong.

Fine. I agree that they have the right to do that and to express how they feel. I saw a post on Facebook about the Dallas Cowboys owner stating that all players will stand, hand over heart, in deep respect, or they will be fired. Fine. His way or the highway. Make your choices. They are your God-given power. For yourself. We are each given the power to ourselves. Our choices. But we are not given the power to choose for others. That is not allowed.

But, of course, it is done all the time, isn't it? And, this is my point. As we think that we have the right to choose for another or others, we step out of our own power and attempt to be God. We have all manner of justifications, reasons, history, whatever. And, that is my point as well. It hasn't changed in thousands of years. All of this same thing has gone on for all of recorded history, causing all manner of violence, anger, and distrust.

It all comes back to the first point from Friday. As we accept and honor that we are an aspect of God, we can accept and honor that another and that all others are aspects of God, all standing in an equal sharing of the love of God. As we honor this, we are in love. As we dishonor this, ignore it, disbelieve it, don't give a damn about it, we are in reprimand and being in reprimand is being in judgment.

If we get all upset about tiny things like how we can honor symbols like a flag, standing or not, and tie ourselves to these kinds of agreements with others, how can we deal with the really important things like not dehumanizing and killing others?

To keep it as simple as possible, as we go through our day, minute by minute, hour by hour, we can choose to be in love or choose otherwise. We can choose to realize that we are aspects of God and so is every other person on this planet, or not. We can see past the petty differences that we historically latch on to so that we can be upset, or we can choose to see past them, to see the real person through the mirage of distractions, no matter how we may justify the importance of those distractions.

When someone is choosing something that is not our choice, it is simply that--not our choice. It is not an attack on us, and our attempt to force our current beliefs on them to set them straight only separates us further. Separation comes from reprimand. It comes out of not believing that we are all aspects of the Creator with an equal share of the love of that Creator. That's all separation is.

Choose As You Will. You Have That Power. I Choose Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--as you make your choices all day long.

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