Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Daily Inspiration 1-23-19

"It's hard to beat the system
when we're standing at a distance,
so we keep waiting,
waiting on the world to change."

-- John Mayer

[Classic post from 9-22-17]

Today, I want to inspire you in your core values. Deep inside, we are so much more than we show in our physical presence. In our higher self, our higher vibration, we are aligned to all that we know is true and are in alignment with our Creator, our Source, God, the Universe, All-That-Is.

We don't pay much attention to that because we have so much going on around us, influencing our attention, along with our constant ego communication, or what we often call our self-talk. But, we can rise above all of that, and I have found out how to do that recently.

First and foremost, realize that you are an aspect of the Creator in physical form. This is true of me. It is true of every person on the planet, and everything on the planet. When we can learn to open up to the reality that this is true deep within us, this will guide us.

Second, realize your own power. We have all been ordained with great power. Our greatest power is the power of choice. It is equally placed and social status or financial prowess has no effect at our core. It is only on the surface, or the egoic self that we believe that to be true. The power of choice is our ultimate tool and our ultimate power.

The third is to be willing to come into alignment using these two very basic and all-powerful ideas to realize our core values and to honor them.

That's it. First, we are all aspects of God. Yes, we are all aspects of God. As we honor ourselves as aspects of our Creator, we must honor all others, for to fail to honor another is to fail to honor ourselves, is to fail to honor the Creator and all of creation.

As we honor this, we no longer belittle people, nor do we dehumanize them. We honor them as we honor ourselves. No, we don't let people walk on us, but we honor them for who they truly are deep within, as we honor ourselves in the same exact way. We are no better, they are no better, we are all honored equally by the Creator.

As we honor each other as ourselves and as equal in the love of God, we will not war. We will not cheat. We will not lie about one another. We will honor them.

Our power of choice allows us to choose as we will. When we are aligned--and this is why it is number one--we make different choices than when we are not aligned with our inner core values, our connection to God within. Only in ignoring this can we make choices that do harm, create disharmony, put one person or group above another. It is obvious then that much of the world has not realized that they are aspects of the Creator.

To make use of our power of choice and our deep connection to all that is, we must become willing to change, to do, to act. These three things are all that is necessary to change the world because the only way to change the world is to first change to what we want to see in the world within ourselves.

To keep this short, I will continue more tomorrow, but I want to leave you with this question to consider in your own lives: Today, what choices can you make and what actions can you take that would be even a small step toward coming into alignment with your highest values?

Simple Is Not Necessarily Easy; However, It Is Fully Within Our Own Power. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by feeling your own connection to All-That-Is. It is joy on steroids.

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