Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Daily Inspiration 7-26-16

"It's not whether you win or lose,
but how you play the game."  

-- Grantland Rice

I might even modify Grantland Rice's quote to say instead of it's how you play the game, to it's why you play the game that matters. 

For some odd reason, I was thinking of all manner of things. My head was in overload, and in comes this message: It just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter! that came from the movie Meatballs and this amazing scene with Bill Murray. It was perfect in that it stopped me in my mental merry-go-round, and felt so good in it's inspirational message. What really matters is releasing the pressure, having fun, enjoying ourselves, sharing some enjoyment with others, feeling good. 

Winning and losing is fun and no fun, but to just play to have fun, to feel good, that is the best. 

I was watching a Marie TV video from Marie Forleo that came in my inbox today, and she was answering a question about someone having multiple passions and how other people might think her flaky because she isn't focusing her concentration. One of the points Marie made is that you don't have to make everything a business. You don't have to monetize everything. Just have fun. Enjoy. Release your inhibitions. Exercise your energy. 

Then earlier today, I was reading a quote by Abraham, Esther Hicks that said, "Wherever you are, is just fine. . . You can get to wherever you want to be from wherever you are. . . It's time to stop measuring where you are in relationship to where anybody else is. The only factor that has anything to do with you is where you are in relationship with where you want to be." 

Chill. Enjoy. It just doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be anything more than helping you feel good. Happiness is a fine goal. And it is so much easier to get there without all that baggage that just doesn't matter. 

Enjoy. Create. Love. Appreciate. Smile. Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--because that does matter.

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