Sunday, July 10, 2016

Daily Inspiration 7-10-16

"If you're irritated by every rub, 
how will your mirror be polished?" 

-- Rumi 

Yesterday, I was thinking of days gone by where I found myself so often upset about something, and all those somethings were universally insignificant, yet at the time, seemed so dang important.

At the same time, I was thinking about watching other people being upset about several somethings that I could clearly see were insignificant, and in days past, I might have thought, she must be having PMS, or it was a full moon, or he didn't get enough sleep, and more. I thought something outside of them was causing it, I suppose.

Then I was thinking that all of that was me back then. I was easily upset by rumor, harsh remarks, angry looks, people doing careless or stupid things without thinking, you name it. I was easily upset enough to speak out about it, if only under my breath to myself. As well, I spoke often enough to others about many of these upsets. I suppose that I was looking for agreement and support in my point of view.

Rumi moved beyond this trivial place. He says, "out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there." 

Being upset is all about wrongdoing and rightdoing. They are doing it wrong, and I do it right. They could be upset with us because they think that they are doing it right and we are doing it wrong. But, all of that is strictly a personal point of view. In reality, there is no right or wrong because everything is neutral. The rightness and wrongness is totally a decision that we make, and that rightness and wrongness place is always in a state of flux.

I have moved out toward the field with Rumi. It is a practice. I've got this letting go of the rope idea in my head and it is the single most helpful idea to allow me to practice being at peace within rather than upset. I cannot express with sufficient delight how wonderful this is for me. It is as if I lived my entire life to get to this place. Abraham, Esther Hicks calls this place, the Art of Allowing. It is allowing things to be what they are without my needing to control them. It is allowing others to be what and who they choose to be without any need to have them be something or someone else. It is allowing "the world" to be what it is. It is a lack of resistance. It is letting go of and laying down the rope.

Do I ever get upset? Yes, but very rarely now, and when it happens, it is more from past habit than anything else. When it happens now, I realize what is going on and I catch myself so to speak, and consciously imagine myself letting go of the rope.

I used to get upset when I was around someone who was upset. It must be something like being around someone who is yawning. But now, I can watch them be upset and allow them that place, while at the same time, sending them loving thoughts.

I crave to be in that field with Rumi. I love everything about being in that field. I live to learn the Art of Allowing that I learned from Abraham. I live to not only exercise expressing love, but to love unconditionally as Wayne W. Dyer so lovingly taught me. I have been an eager student, and I have loved each and every one of the the teachers that I have attracted. It's not Nirvana, yet near enough. Now I am at peace, and in joy much more than I am not. It has moved to the majority from the minority. It has become the delightful driving force in my life. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for where I am on this increasingly delicious journey.

May The Force Be With You, As You Choose. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by becoming a joy seeker, a joy allower, a joy becomer.

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