Saturday, January 30, 2016

Daily Inspiration 1-30-16

"I fully trust 
that others do know 
what is best for them."

-- Essence of the Tao Te Ching, 17th Verse
by Wayne Dyer 

Excepting the concept of raising young children (and maybe that isn't really the exception we may imagine it is), how many times in your life have you been around people that you think need your help. Maybe they seem to get it wrong a lot, or maybe they keep tripping over the same switch, or they say they want this and do that instead. And what about all those civil servants, teachers, and other so-called authorities that have their heads in the dark places? Maybe it even seems like the whole world is off the mark, and you wish you could get them back on track. They need to listen to you. And, if they did, they would do better. It's so simple, right?

I have to admit to having had many of these kinds of thoughts over the years. Not many wanted to listen, or maybe I didn't go bold and tell them, or maybe I did, but it didn't do any good. They just weren't ready I guess. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink, and all that.

Then again, maybe people are trying to lead you and you don't want to hear it. Who do they think they are trying to tell me what to do, how to do it? They should go mind their own business, because they could use some help of their own.

I'm finally learning about people. Some are awake and some are not, but deep down inside, we are all made from the same materials from the same factory so to speak. We're all wise inside. It's this flabby, soft, bony thing that we walk around in that is making us look and seem different. And we all have different stimuli, desires, and ideas too. But, inside we are the basically the same in that we come from the same Source. We are all wise when we connect with that Source within us. We know what to do when we are aligned in that way. We know what we want when we focus there.

When we allow others to be what and who they are, and accept that they are perfect how ever they are, and though we may be willing to help should they desire that, we eventually learn to trust that they know best for themselves, we are in alignment with our Source because our Source is pure unconditional love.

We don't have to agree with other people's choices, and our judgment of those choices or those actions is the only thing that keeps us apart from them. We simply need to allow them to choose as they will, while we choose as we desire. If we focus on our own alignment, that will be sufficient, and in the end as a result of that example, we may love others in a way that is desired by all, honoring and aligning with the Source within us. For that is, after all, the Source of unconditional love--that is how Source sees us all.

So it is a good reminder to read this 17th verse of the all wise Tao Te Ching from time to time so that we can remember that our place is to allow, to love, to serve, to enjoy, and to be an example of our best self. The more we follow these thoughts on interactions with others, the better our own lives become.

Trust That They Know What Is Best For Them While We Allow All Of That To Be As It Is As We Make Our Own Choices For Our Own Fulfillment. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by focusing on what you want for yourself.

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