Friday, January 22, 2016

Daily Inspiration 1-22-16

"No matter how much fault 
you find with another, 
it will not change you." 

-- Wayne Dyer 

In my life's past, I spent a stupid amount of time finding fault in others. It might have been people at work, slowpokes in front of me when I was in a hurry, things breaking or going wrong. It didn't much matter who or what, but something or someone had to be to blame for it. Even if I did a silly thing, I would find ways to justify my actions and choices to exonerate me from blame. I never got the quote above and its truth until the last ten years, and even then it has been a journey of personal change. 

What I finally learned was that none of those people, what they did or didn't do, said or failed to say, or the situations where things were not to my liking, were the real culprit; the reason for my ill feelings. It was me.

As I look back with clarity now, I see that it was 100% me. Essentially, I created it all because all of the hurt feelings, unhappiness, and poor situations were thoughts in my head. And, my ego, who loves to mix it up and always win was having a field day with all of it, stirring it up and swooshing it around, keeping it alive.

There were many factors that came into play to help guide me out of that morass. One book opened the door and began the slow change by encouraging in a very simple and easy way, a fresh point of view for me. This book was published in the 1970's and is still a strong seller today: Love is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald Jampolsky. I've given several hundred copies away and always have many copies in my office for that purpose when the opportunity arises. It is such an easy read, and can be read in about an hour, but is full of power and wisdom.

I think it is important to celebrate the people, or books, or whatever came onto your path that causes a significant change in thinking that helps lead you to a better life. They might be a protagonist or even an antagonist. Sometimes it is a strong negative situation that causes strong desire to move toward a more positive situation. Quite often it is a decision that is made, and then from that decision the Law of Attraction lines up other things, people and situations that cause even more growth and desired change. It may even be difficult to pinpoint who and when, as there many be a host of people or things that are guiding us.

So, I was thinking this morning that, for me at least, and I encourage you just for the joy in it, to take a bit of time today to think of the people and situations that have been significant in a guiding role in your life. They may have been someone who pissed you off to the extent that you finally said, no more! Or it might be someone who just brought such unconditional love to you that you could not resist its benefit.

Whatever, whomever, and how many ever there were, only you know them and how they helped you move on, move forward, or get over. Let us celebrate them today. Write some things down, tell the story, let it roll around in your head and heart for a while today. That joy will so brighten your day, and through the ether, those who helped, currently dead or alive will feel you expressing your delight, and it will be of benefit all around. 

Today Is Change Celebration Friday! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by your celebration of your helpers.

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