Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Daily Inspiration 11-25-15

"People try so hard to express
good cheer in these holiday seasons
that they often miss the mark. . . 

Here's my idea: 
Why not start by thanking yourself." 

-- Jeffrey Gitomer 

I've been a long time subscriber to Jeffrey Gitomer's Sales Caffeine weekly email newsletter. I love it. Today's message from Jeffrey was quite fresh. In the last week, I've received a bunch of typical writings about Thanksgiving, and especially how commercial the holidays have become, etc., so to read Jeffrey's article #1226, titled, A Different Kind of Thanks. Yours, I had to share the essence of it here.

He said, "Here's my idea: Why not start by thanking yourself. Thank yourself for your success, your good fortune, your health, your family, your library, your attitude, your fun times, your friends, and all the cool things you do that make you a happy person. If you're having trouble thanking yourself, that's an indicator that things aren't going very well. And in that situation any thanks you give to others, will be perceived somewhere between 'less than whole' and 'totally insincere.'"

He continues: "I don't think you can become sincerely thankful to others until you have become fully thankful TO yourself and FOR yourself. And once you realize who YOU are, your message of thanks will become much more real and passionate to others." 

Insincerity in communications during the holidays? Bucket loads. It's all around us. "How are you?" Answer: "I'm fine, how about you?" I cannot stand small talk because it is so small that it is insignificant. Better not to say anything than such dribble.

But, what really got me in his message is that we so often during Thanksgiving, and at other times, think about giving our thanks to others, to God, whatever, and we leave ourselves out like that would be selfish or something. It's not selfish. It's a perfect place to start. I think more focus on our gratitude for ourselves and what we believe about ourselves is of value, opens the floodgates for sincere gratitude to flow toward others.

We are worthy of our own gratitude, appreciation, love, respect, and belief in ourselves on our way to seeing those virtues and qualities in those that we come into contact with. Don't you agree? Let us start there this time.

Make A List Of What You Are Thankful For About You

Spread Some Joy Today--and from recognizing that joy in yourself, you can no longer store it alone.

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