Thursday, November 19, 2015

Daily Inspiration 11-19-15

"Going with the flow 
is not only effortless, but 
it also affords the best view." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

I got up early this morning with the intent of writing today's Daily Inspiration. My computer was awakened and the Internet was not working. So, I casually restarted my computer and restarted the modem. Then, my computer, which was just recently refurbished, chose not to reboot. It stopped with a black screen. Hmmmmm.

I waited a couple hours until after 7am to text my computer guru, and he took over two hours to respond. So at 9:30am the cause was found. By then, I had to get ready for an appointment. The problem with the computer was the silliest thing and I've never experienced it before, but I had a video san disk card in the card slot on the computer and once that was removed, the computer rebooted properly.

Things happen for a reason. I do believe that, and so I have learned to quickly shrug it off and pivot to something else. So, I finished a book I was very much into and that was a great benefit to me, for having finished it and for the loving information that it conveyed.

I would have easily spent 5 hours on the computer this morning, but the Universe had something else in mind. I went with the flow and all was perfect. I guess I could have been all kinds of upset about my mini-roadblock, but I wasn't upset in the least. I enjoyed the change actually. It was a nice change and I even spent 15 minutes in meditation too. It was wonderful.

There is all manner of things that can seemingly go wrong to change without any notice, and all of that is benign really. What spells trouble or adds joy is strictly in how we respond to any of those challenges.

We Have Many Opportunities To Choose Peace. That's Another Name For Going With The Flow. 

Spread Some Joy Today--I hope you are in-joy with yourself today. It's a perfect day for it, don't you think?

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