Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Daily Inspiration 11-10-15

"Most people don't know this, 
but it's easier to go from failure to success 
than from excuses to success." 

-- John C. Maxwell 

I just started John C. Maxwell's newest book just released in October titled, Intentional Living - Choosing a Life That Matters. In the first few pages, I found some short gems that reached out and grabbed my attention. The quote above is one of those.

As I looked at it, the amazing truth of that statement made me laugh. Of course, when you try and fail, you cannot fail to learn, so it is not really a failure then, is it? It is a learning experience. Parlay that into thought and activity renewed and adjusted, and you cannot help but eventually succeed, whatever idea you have of success. However, making excuses for why you can't get going or keep going is a failure. This reminds me of the title of a movie I like called, Failure To Launch.

John C. Maxwell is an amazing person. He has written over 60 books and sold over $25 million worth, which for non-fiction, is way up there is the stratosphere. I've probably read about 25% of his books and have very much enjoyed all that I have read. He has a way of writing that brings the subject to life, and he is considered the Leadership Expert. He has certainly taught me a lot about leadership. In addition, he travels and does seminars, interviews and much more. He's a very busy, in-demand guy, who is a prolific writer and life long teacher.

He said, "People ask me all the time for advice about how to write a book. I tell them to start writing." 

Therein lies the success potential, or you could even call it the key to success. We have to get started. We must bust a move. "I'm gonna" is a failure statement. "I wanna" is a dreamy statement. Nothing really happens until we make a move. We can think it to death or we can start without everything we think we need.

We don't need much to get started, but I do think that the key to success is actually getting started.

We Can Figure The Rest Out Along The Way. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by beginning right now.

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