Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Inspiration 4-28-15

"Don't let your learning lead to knowledge, 
or you'll become a fool. 
Let your learning lead to action, 
and you can become wealthy. 
There's nothing more pitiful 
than a guy who is smart and broke." 

-- Jim Rohn 

The idea behind yesterday's post was profound to me. I am changing all the time and my view of the world becomes clearer and clearer.

The last paragraph in yesterday's post is what I have learned and how I now feel, and the quote that I would have agreed with above by Jim Rohn, I no longer line up with.

I just finished an absolutely wonderful book about being an entrepreneur. The title is The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy. The book just came out and I devoured it with delight with very few exceptions. I loved his stories and learned much from his accumulated wisdom as an entrepreneur himself. I highly recommend it for anyone in business and especially for anyone contemplating going into business.

And, I've read a lot of these kinds of books, and in fact, I studied Jim Rohn for many years too. Darren Hardy, in the Final Word section of the book, just before the Jim Rohn quote above, said, "I warn you: Knowledge is not power. It's potential power." I've also seen it written in many different ways that it is our own goal and that of every person on the planet to seek to reach their potential. It's as if when we die we are judged by how close we came to fulfilling our own God-given potential.

Screw that!

Except for those who want to go there on purpose. No problem then. We're simply here to be alive, and to live we cannot escape making hundreds of choices every day. Whatever comes of that is the result of the choices alone, unless we or others around us add judgments to the outcome. It is what it is.

I think as I said yesterday, that a great and wonderful thing to do is to see the power each of us has to decide, to do or not do, to live. If we need or want information, great. If we choose to do nothing special (according to others) with our lives, that is a way of using our power. We each get to choose. There is no one, true way. There is no brass ring to grab. We just get to live and choose every single day. 

What I can do to be an encouragement and uplift others is simply and profoundly to love them as they are, appreciate their own inner power, and to allow them the dignity of accepting that they alone are qualified to choose for themselves. I can have an opinion of what I might do, and if they wanted to hear that, they may even accept some of that, but in the end, it will always be their choice.

When I look at others with unconditional love, which is allowing others to be and choose who they are and who they want to become, and what they may choose to do, I empower them. When I see or point out something they 'should' do, I dis-empower or make them less-than in my eyes. Should is one of those words that is best to let go of as if you've never known it before. It takes practice because it has been used on us most of our lives. Allow others their own dignity and inner power by loving them without condition.

My Potential Has Gone Missing. Has Anyone Seen My Potential? How Will I Succeed Without My Potential? Maybe I'm Not What I Could Be, But If I Could Just Find My Potential. . . 

Spread Some Joy Today--Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Feels better already. . . Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe. . .

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