Thursday, April 23, 2015

Daily Inspiration 4-23-15

"Is the world you are looking at see-worthy?" 

-- Alan Cohen 

Yesterday was a fascinating day. I got up feeling "off." As I moved through my morning, I felt more off. As I was recognizing the negative feeling within me, I wanted to feel better. So I began trying to find better feeling thoughts, yet this off-feeling was persistent. So, I sat down, put my headphones on and played my 15-minute morning meditation CD. Then, I did another, then another.

I was feeling better, but still not where I wanted to be. Now I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with physical possessions around me, so I took a short nap escaping the thoughts for a few minutes. Sometimes I just need to chill for a bit and let go of that rope, so to speak, and taking a nap often helps to let it go.

As I persisted on wanting to feel good, I began looking for things around me to appreciate. I put on some favorite music that helps me feel good and that helped too. Then I began appreciating sound and how I respond to certain sounds positively.

This caused me to think about one of my favorite sounds in the whole world: A spring afternoon and listening to the birds chirping. I could enjoy that for hours. There is nothing quite like it. This caused me to think about the courtyard right outside my office and how nice it is all messy with leaves and such. The birdbath where I can watch all different sizes and types of birds pause for a drink, or splash around bathing themselves.

Then I looked around at the stuff in my house that was previously bothering me and my thoughts of being overwhelmed by it all, but now I was seeing it differently. I was seeing all manner of things and remembering when I bought them or how I acquired them, and how special they were at that time. I began appreciating them all over again, and that if I wanted to, I could let them go at any time and that it would be okay.

Then I...well, I don't want to make this too long. Let's just say that I turned myself around and I began to feel good again. I began feeling appreciative. I began feeling valuable. I began to feel whole again. I kept finding more things to see that helped me to feel these improved feelings. My world became see-worthy again.

Here's a great bit from Abraham, Esther Hicks on this subject:

"As you hold to your intention to look for evidence of Well-Being and thriving and success and happiness, you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things--and so those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life. Today, no matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to look for what I am wanting to see." 

"You cannot be in a place other than where you are right now, but you do have the power to begin to express your perspective about where you are in increasingly better ways. And as you do that consciously and deliberately, you will see the evidence of the power of your focus on every subject to which you turn your attention."

"As you make the decision that you want to feel good and you consciously look for positive aspects within the subjects that you are involved in every day, and as you deliberately identify and focus upon what you do want regarding these subjects, you will set yourself upon a path of Eternal unfolding satisfaction and joy." 

Help Your World To Be See-Worthy By Telling A Different Story. Tell It The Way You Want It To Be. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by creating joy for yourself through appreciation.

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