"By appreciation,
we make excellence in others
our own property."
-- Voltaire
I want to tell you the most powerful change in me in all my years. It is becoming someone who appreciates. I look around me and find things to appreciate. I listen to things and find something to appreciate. I do business with people and I find things to appreciate. I now find things all around me all the time to appreciate.
I want to tell you the next most powerful change in my in all my years. I tell them. I find ways to express my appreciation. Maybe it's a bigger tip, or maybe it's a note, or maybe a phone call, or maybe I say it in person. No matter. I find things that I appreciate and I express it.
These two things alone have changed my life dramatically. I cannot express well how much joy it brings me to have these feelings of appreciation and then to let them be expressed to others directly or indirectly.
Yesterday, I went on Amazon.com's Facebook page and wrote out how much I appreciated them and not just the CEO, but all the way down to the person who fills the boxes for shipping. They are at the top of my list of companies I love to do business with and they always meet or exceed my expectations. On Facebook, they have 26 million likes, so they have a lot of praise, but I gave them mine anyway.
I told my friend, Phil how much I enjoyed and appreciated the work he and his band members put into making their debut record album. I am amazed at how much I enjoy it and I enjoy it more every time I listen to it. I know how much went into that because I have recorded an album and have written songs and such. It is a fantastic contribution and I so much appreciate it. At the same time, I bought a lot of them to share with others, which helps him, but it helps me more because I get to share.
I've never communicated with so many people that I have appreciated over the years. I remember something that a woman that shared an adventure with me in 1986, whom I love and recently reconnected with said.
She said that she imagined that whenever she was thinking of me, that I was thinking of her and vise versa. That caused me to think that as I am appreciating and loving that fantastic album, Frenesi by Linda Ronstadt that she is receiving that love somehow. I hope so because that would be so cool.
I somehow know that we are all connected even though we consciously think we are all so separate. So, it makes sense that if I am appreciating someone or something they had a hand in making or being a part of, that they might feel that love. Yet, saying it aloud to someone is so much more appropriate and helpful in this separated world of time and space. All the more reason to reach out and express ourselves.
The more you find to appreciate, the more you will find to appreciate. The more you express your appreciation, the more opportunities you will find to express your appreciation.
Try it today. Reach out whether by email, actual mail, telephone by voice, or texting, or some other form of actual communication and express how someone has brightened your life just a bit by what they have done. I think you will find it an amazing experience and so rewarding at the same time that you will want to continue doing it for the rest of your life. Even if you've never done anything like this before, I think you will find what I'm saying to be true and a huge blessing all around.
Just Tell Them How You Feel And What You Think And Don't Forget A Few Details.
Spread Some Joy Today--Just do it.
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