Monday, July 7, 2014

Daily Inspiration 7-7-14

"'Tis not the meat, 
but 'tis the appetite 
makes eating a delight." 

-- John Suckling, Sonnet, c1638 

In January of this year, I had the distinct privilege to see The Eagles, who next to The Beatles was my favorite musical group when I was young, and now that I am not so young. The tour they were on was called The History of The Eagles, matching a DVD set they published, which I own. I don't know why I waited to watch it until this weekend, but I was in joy all the way through it. Great music, and a great story of how they came to be and all the adventures they had.

Joe Walsh of The Eagles was talking on the DVD and I had to write down what he said because it spoke to me. Here is what he said reflecting on the travels of his life, participation in and travels of the band over time:

"There's a philosopher who says, 'As you live your life, it appears to be anarchy and chaos and random events--non-related events smashing into each other and causing this situation, and then this happens, and it's overwhelming, and it just looks like...what in the world is going on? And later when you look back at it, it looks like a finely crafted novel, but at the time it don't, and a lot of The Eagles story is like that."

I thought he was referring to many of us, if not most of us. As we are going through situations, especially challenging or tough ones, it is hard if not downright impossible to see the whole picture, but down the road, we can look back and see how all those pieces fit into a mosaic that was perfectly filled, looking like that finely crafted novel.

Then, I thought that much of my life was that way. Most in fact. I didn't have a clue a good deal of the time and now looking back, I have such a different view and things I might have done that I might typically regret, I find joy in instead.

What I would add to that wonderful philosophical view of a life traveled, is that with the awareness that I have now, I would not find the pain that I went through then. Wouldn't it be interesting to know for certain that everything will work out perfectly all the time throughout our lives? Would that change anything about how you might live your life? I know that this awareness has certainly changed mine and how I see what is going on here and now and with confidence believing it is all working out just as I planned it. What a difference in the travel!

It Is Perfect. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Find joy in your own perfection today.

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