Sunday, July 27, 2014

Daily Inspiration 7-27-14

"When it is dark enough, 
you can see the stars." 

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

It is fascinating to me what I thought of when I read the quote above. Of course, we all know that when the sun goes down and it becomes dark, and if it is a clear sky, that we can see thousands of stars at sea level. Even when we are at a higher altitude like four or five thousand feet, and away from the lights of the city, we can then see millions of stars with our naked eye.

Then, if we used a large telescope, we could see billions of stars, and then if we took the telescope into space out of the Earth's atmosphere, and took some time, we could see billions of galaxies of billions of stars, along with uncountable numbers of planets and other objects that we cannot see.

It's all there. It is always there. And, if we didn't go out at night and look, we would not even know it existed, but it does with or without our observation of it, or knowledge of it.

Everything that we think we might want is there. As we look deeper into space, we see no end to the abundance. It is there. It is always there. We may not be able to see it with our eyes right now because we are blinded by the daylight, or the circumstances, or the noise, but it is there with or without our observation of it, or knowledge of it.

It is not something we seek so much as it is something we open our awareness to. Then by believing it, and knowing it is there and has always been there, we may experience it.

It Isn't Lost. It Isn't Found. It Is. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Jump in with both feet. It feels great.

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