Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Daily Inspiration 7-30-14

"Behavior is the mirror 
in which everyone shows their image." 

-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Barely two weeks ago, I received a diagnosis from a doctor that is probably something many have heard but was never thought of as hearing it said to me.

Yesterday, I talked about finishing Wayne Dyer's wonderful book, I Can See Clearly Now, and he talked about how he had been teaching certain things for many years and then having to experience it for himself and having a hard time with it, yet realizing, that he must come to terms with it in the way that he taught.

It's an interesting thing about teachers and the fact that they may be sharing what others have done, overcome, occasions risen to, and so on, but they probably have never experienced it themselves. Once the opportunity comes, beyond the momentary shortness of breath, the teacher realizes that it's truly time to look in the mirror. So it is with me.

I've talked, promoted, and otherwise praised the whole idea of praising God or the Universe for everything including those things that may seem at first to be negative. And, I've done much of that on a small scale. Now the scale is slightly more grand. I also praised so profoundly the book that opened my eyes to that idea of praising God for illnesses, infirmities, and more in Power In Praise by Merlin Carothers. It's also funny to me that my wife who died just a year ago gave that book to me some years back having not read it herself.

Now I get the opportunity to live up to all that I have said, and promoted, and praised. Now I get to look in the mirror at myself and not talk about ideas belonging to others without having experienced them myself.

I've taken a couple of weeks to let this settle into my mind and I have found a resolve to act in ways that I have spoken of and have been living for many years now. I get to see the power of praise in motion and finding a better feeling thought, and then another and another and another. I get to realize as Norman Cousins did in his quote, "It is reasonable to expect the doctor to recognize that science may not have all the answers to problems of health and healing."

I will also keep up my Daily Inspirations because they are far more for me than anyone else who may read them. I am always sharing a little bit of me in all the ideas I share and come across, so it only makes sense.

Gratitude is my comfort. I am continually thankful for so much in my life and am finding more to be grateful for as I become more thankful. How interesting all that is.

I Looked In The Mirror And Saw The Person I Claimed To Be, And It Was Good. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Illness is just resistance to well being. Strange, but true. By letting go of that rope, we are carried away in the stream of well being.

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