Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Inspiration 3-23-11

"You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total
of this world's happiness now. How? By giving a few words
of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged.
Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today,
but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime."

-- Dale Carnegie

Unless it was a lot of money, I don't remember who gave me money for birthday's or other such occasions. I only remember a small number of the physical gifts that I've received over the many years. I think I might count them on one hand, and they had nothing to do with price, just how they matched my desires. I've forgotten almost every bit of advice I've received, and I have received a good deal of it.

Yes, all of those things hold little meaning to me, and probably to a great many people, but what I do remember and will always remember is those who really encouraged me to do, or to be better, or to keep going, or to keep writing, or what ever it may be. I find that I cherish those above all else. And, I also find it interesting that these encouragements are not all that plentiful that I could even begin to take them for granted.

This is one reason that I call myself a "professional encourager." I'm not sure that means anything other than I try to encourage people where ever I find them and especially if they are looking like they could use a boost. Just to watch their eyes light up and a smile come to their face is reward enough. Yet, the main reason that I have become such an encourager is because I know what it is like to get it and how it makes me feel, how it spurs me onward and how long it lasts. I want to give that same gift to everyone on the planet.

You know, there is enough negativity going on all around us, plus the pressures of survival in a fast-paced world. If you want to do something that people will remember, or that will matter, then give them some encouragement. It may just change a life, and yours in the bargain.

Sincere Encouragement Is A Pure Form Of Love.

Spread Some Joy Today--Now that you know how much a bit of encouragement can bring joy, make it a regular event! Become a joy spreader!

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