Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Daily Inspiration 11-9-10

"Joy has nothing to do with money, circumstance, or things.
It has only to do with a desire for it--regardless."

-- Terry Minion

Today is November 9th and my birthday, so I decided to give myself a present and share it with everyone else too. I made a quote. So, now I will be world famous! Maybe.

The quote is from an accumulation of knowledge and experience and particularly in the time since April of 2007, when I turned a corner and headed down a far different avenue than I had been traveling on. In my now 61 years, that quote represents the single most important element of knowledge I have ever received and implemented. To say it changed my life is a severe understatement. It revolutionized my life. Truly, it gave me back a life that was really worth living.

I received this from my desire to have it. I was at a point in my life where I had tried everything I knew and it wasn't working. I was looking for what my life could be instead of what it was. I was on a hunt; searching. That desire led me to several tools that helped change my thinking by opening my awareness and having the messages hit home so spot on that my insides just screamed, "YES! That's it!" In addition, the messages were so simple that, at first, I thought perhaps it was too simple. And the more I studied, the better it got and it hasn't let up since and I haven't let up since.

What I found in April of 2007 was the secret for my life. It was also called The Secret and it was an audiobook by Rhonda Byrne. Since I was traveling so much by vehicle, every day I got to listen and I listed to it over and over and over. I was so wanting this that I didn't just want to hear it, or even to learn it, I wanted to become it, so I immersed myself in it. I bought a number of books and tapes from many of the people included in The Secret and that expanded me to new levels of understanding.

Many months later, I found that Rhonda's message in The Secret came essentially from Abraham and Jerry and Esther Hicks. So, I began to study their materials and in doing so found the most profound knowledge to live a happy life that I can imagine possible.

And today, three years later, I continue on this path that has brought me more joy in three years than in my entire past accumulated. It has brought me such an understanding of why I get what I got and why I keep getting what I got and how to change that when I finally decide to move away from it to get what I want instead.

These Daily Inspirations are essentially a sharing of the thoughts and lessons I have learned in how to look at my life differently so that I can have a full and happy life. Frustration, despair, depression even, was a large part of my life in the past and now I have almost none of it. Now when I have a "bad day" it is really a good day as opposed to an awesome day. My scale of bad has risen to pretty good on the bottom and ecstatic on the top. That is a whole new experience than before.

If you have felt any of that negative stuff I just mentioned, or maybe have lived a lot of that throughout your life, I encourage you to build a fire under your desire to change it. If you haven't read The Secret, I encourage you to read it, and I think the audiobook is even better. Then start reading with Abraham. I recommend you start with the book, Ask and It Is Given by Jerry and Esther Hicks. That is also available in an audiobook. I recommend that you listen several times at least. The trouble is that we have been taught all of this junk that we have accepted as reality when it was just junk. We sort of need to untrain and retrain to have the life we want.

I used to think it was all about how much money you had, and I thought credit was the same thing. You can imagine what happened next and for many, many years I lived that abundant, not really abundant kind of life. It isn't about money whether you have it, pretend to have it, or you don't have any. It is about what we think, how we feel about what we think and a way to understand how we are getting what we are getting and how to change it if we are not getting what we want. That's it. It's not magic. It's not mystery. It's just so simple, that you would have to say it is common sensical.

So, Happy Birthday to my getting older self and my by now infamous quote. It is an awesome ride now and I hope that you are enjoying the ride along with me! Joy to YOU!

Happy New Life To You! And Me!

Spread Some Joy Today--If you're tired of getting what you get, try something new. Read one or more of the books suggested above. They may just change your life completely!

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