Monday, March 18, 2019

Daily Inspiration 3-18-19

"The human heart
feels things the eyes cannot see,
and knows
what the mind cannot understand."

-- Robert Vallett

[Classic post from 7-17-17]

This morning I was thinking of honoring ourselves and how that plays out practically in living our lives, doing our jobs, and more. Memories came to me from when I was a sales manager at a car dealership in the 1980s.

A salesperson goes out to greet a prospect coming on the lot, and a relatively short time later comes in after the prospects are leaving and says, "They are just lookie-loos. They are flakes. And, they're probably credit criminals too." Car lingo is funny to look at now. Most of it is obvious, I think.

But, what the salesperson said is often typical of our prejudice, or a word I like better our prejudgment. There wasn't enough time for that salesperson to find out hardly anything about that prospect, and what was really going on was that the salesperson was focused on his or her own agenda of making a sale and collecting a commission than on what their prospects came in for and how we might be of service to them.

In some circles, we call that operating within and from the small self, smaller self, ego, and so on. It is also operating from the head and not the heart. The heart feels and the brain thinks. If we can pay more attention to what the heart is feeling--and indeed, understanding, we can then invite the brain to do what it does best instead of what it does poorly. As I describe this, don't you think that the heart is doing a great job of thinking? Surely. That's why phrases like, "I know in my heart, I can feel them in my heart," come to play.

One of the best ways we can truly honor and love ourselves is to remain outside of judgment. I've talked about this before where discernment is our friend, and judgment is not. Obviously, this salesperson was in judgment and attempting to defend him or herself from any potential attack on their skills or choices. It wasn't me, it was them. They are the losers. Just a couple of lookie-loos.

The reality is that this salesperson could not communicate with this couple. There is a lot of ways that happens from focusing on the man and ignoring the woman, to not listening, to not asking questions to determine more of their desires and needs for a vehicle, and much more. As we are focused on our own agenda of what we want, we are clouded at best in determining what they want.

In this and all other scenarios like this, the best place we can start is to let go of our agenda and focus on them. The best way to achieve this is to begin by honoring ourselves as a divine aspect of our mutual Creator, and in turn, honoring those in front of us as equally divine. As we begin from this mutual respect and dignity, we cannot help but want to serve.

And, Our Best Service Is Of The Heart. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by honoring your connection to All That Is, as you honor all others in that same exact way. The result is natural joy.

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