Thursday, March 14, 2019

Daily Inspiration 3-14-19

"I am now choosing
to see my neighbor,
to see all those before me in love.
And I know that love is
unconditional acceptance."

-- Paul Selig,
The Book of Love and Creation

[Classic post from 10-2-17]

They continue:

"Every man and woman on this planet only wants to be loved. That is all they want, whether or not they will admit it. All they want is love. And what love truly is, is true acceptance regardless of who or what they think or they believe they may have been, done, seen, or anything else."

In the last several days I've stated that I'm shocked as I think about the fact that through thousands of years of evolution, we have continued to choose the same things over and over, knowing fully that they didn't work before.

We have so many justifications for acting out of love. We stand on our righteousness, and in our company in historical agreement to those same things in the same way we've always done them. The same reactions to the same kind of events. The same expectations of how people should be or react or live.

As we hold on to being right, being good over evil and such perspectives, we see separation between each other as human beings, and separate from God at the same time.

This is all choice. It is chosen again and again, even for hundreds and thousands of years. We can choose differently. We have the ability and the power to choose differently. It may feel like new ground for a while, but as we decide to change, to see the world with different eyes, to respond rather than react, we move toward love and away from fear.

Practicing some affirmations will help remind us perhaps. I know that it has for me. "I am now choosing to see that which I see before me in Divine Love." What a powerful choice. I am choosing love. I choose love. I see the Divine in each person regardless of their actions. I may not approve of their actions, but to deny their Divinity is to deny our own, and that of God as well.

What is the value of being right? Is it as valuable as loving without condition? Who am I to judge? Who am I to love? Who am I in fear? How do I act in fear? Who am I when I am loving? How do I see the world through the eyes of love?

Great Questions. Choosing Differently. Acting Differently. A Life In Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by deciding how you want to see the world. I'm hoping that that view is full of joy, unconditional love and acceptance, and appreciation. It is your choice, of course.

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