Saturday, March 16, 2019

Daily Inspiration 3-16-19

"No one can make you feel anything,
but you may choose to blame them."

--Paul Selig

[New post]

Reflection is an interesting thing. It is usually thought of as similar to looking in the rear view mirror. It is looking at something already done. It is the past, a reflection of the past in the present. One might state, "I had a good life," and that would be a reflection of one's life gone by and perhaps bringing some memories to the surface again. As that is phrased, it is the past. I had. Almost as if, and probably as if it is no longer that. We could think of a million things from the past to reflect upon.

Now consider this twist on that good life statement: "I am having a good life." It is no longer stuck in the past and needing to bring it forward, it is instead combined with right here and now. I am rather than I did. I am rather than I was. It is rather than it was. I have had many joyful times. I am having so many joyful times. I am having. I am living. I am enjoying. I did. I used to. I might have. I could have. I should have. I shouldn't have. It was. Back in the day. When I was young. Before I . . .

As I thought of this comparison, I realized how powerful that simple change in perspective and spoken or written expression of perspective is.

The two most powerful words in the English language are these whether spoken or written: I AM. We might consider using them more often to describe events and our participation in them.


Spread some joy today--by living in the moment.

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