Thursday, June 23, 2016

Daily Inspiration 6-23-16

"Light, shadows and color 
are the flavors of sight." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

This morning I saw something in a different light. Literally. I was looking at a workbench in my office that I mainly used as a shipping table when I had my eBay business. I had all manner of things stacked around the front of it and on top of it, and that had recently been cleaned up. The morning sun was coming through the sliding door very brightly and lit up part of the work bench and I was amazed looking at it. I've looked at it for at least 12 years, but today I saw it in a different light. And, it got my attention.

This also caused me to think about how we see things, experience things, do things habitually, believe certain things, and then, one day, we see it in a different light and it really gets our attention, and changes our perception of the thing.

Sometimes this happens and it causes us to unload things, to clear the deck, to begin anew, to change. Other times, it may cause us to be inspired to grow, to do something new, to expand, to appreciate differently. It is a wonderful experience. It's really an all-positive experience because the end result is movement, action, doing. And, in our physical bodies, action is a special thing for us--especially inspired action.

I know all to well how easy it is to just go though and stay close to my habitual patterns. I know they are habitual patterns. Do this, then do that, then this, all in that order, over and over again. Then, one day I see those patterns displayed to me in a different light. I see that well-worn rut. It's not that those patterns are bad or so negative, it's that they are the same thing over and over again. They might even be, and often are very enjoyable, yet shallow.

I long for inspiration, followed by inspired action. I long for magnificent obsessions. I've had many in my life, and I know how they feel. They are glorious, and well. . . magnificent. It's been a while, but in the meantime, I have been learning a number of things. I've learned so much about learning to enjoy the process, to enjoy thousands of moments every day. I've learned to be easier on myself, find less fault, find more value, love myself more, and have a good time whatever I am doing.

I ran across a wonderful quote this morning that I'll share with you from Mia Sheridan from her book, Leo:

"Everyone tells a story about who they are in their own head. That story defines you, dictating all your actions and all your mistakes. If your own story is filled with guilt and fear and self-hatred, life can look pretty miserable. But, if you're very lucky, you might have a person who tells you a better story, one that takes up residence in your soul, speaking louder than the woeful tale of which you've convinced yourself. If you let it speak loudly within your heart, it becomes your passion and your purpose. And this is a good thing, the best of things. Because it is the very definition of love, nothing less."

I'm so grateful for those who taught me a better story starting with Jim Rohn, and all the way to Abraham, Esther Hicks. And here's a perfect quote from Abraham, Esther Hicks on what I have found to be the fastest way to change the story in my head, and to see things in a different light:

"Feel appreciation for those who provide examples of Well-being. How would you know that prosperity was possible if there wasn't some evidence of prosperity around you? It's all part of this contrast that helps you to sharpen your desire." 

And, best of all, seeing myself in a different light from the past, I have come to feel inside, and display outside, my better example of Well-being and prosperity. The list is very long for the love that has been shared to bring me to this place. Even though I may be eagerly anticipating my next magnificent obsession, I delight in the travel toward that inevitable; albeit, temporary destination.

Lights! Camera! Action! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by seeing your life in a different light, renewing your joy and loving your travels.

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