Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Daily Inspiration 2-11-14

"We must assume every event has significance 
and contains a message that pertains to our questions. 
This especially applies to what we used to call bad things. 
The challenge is to find the silver lining
 in every event, no matter how negative." 

 -- James Redfield 

Today, I am sharing a guest post by one of my clients, Gary Rohmann, of Ultimate Life Services, who has become a good friend. This little piece he titled, Something Powerful About Momentum. I hope you enjoy it as I did.

If you have a dream to go into any particular area, consider the opportunity, no matter how small, to move in the direction of your dream.

Don't be afraid to take small steps. There's something powerful about momentum. Many times what may seem to be impossible, is simply the untried.

I can remember a season in my life when I was immobilized with fear, consumed with what I thought I was supposed to do, and beating myself up about it, yet making no decisions and having no movement. Finally, a close friend suggested, "Just DO something!" It was the push that I needed at the perfect time, and as a result, I began taking some small steps. Those small efforts layered one upon the other created a momentum that not only propelled my professional life, but my personal life as well.

If you are ever at a point of paralysis in your life (and we all have been there at some point in our journey), just do something. Often any decision is better than no decision, and by taking the first step, the next will be easier and soon momentum will create a flow toward accomplishing your desires.

There is no better example of what I am trying to convey here than the life story of Shay Eskew. Shay lives in Franklin, Tennessee, just down the road from where I live in Spring Hill. I was privileged to meet Shay at a recent Spring Hill Rotary meeting where he shared his incredible story.

Shay is referred to as "the one ear wonder--one man, one ear, one passion, living life to the fullest." He is a thirty year old man that has overcome serious burn injuries that he experienced at the age of eight to become an inspiring influence to everyone that comes into his life. He just completed the World Ironman Championships in Kona, Hawaii, which is undoubtedly the most difficult challenge of a man or woman's physical and emotional endurance. After finishing the race, Shay shared the following:

"God has a plan for each of us and we have to have the courage to let go of the safety rail and trust in Him. The first step starts with not fearing failure and realizing we experience growth through suffering."

You can see more about Shay Eskew at http://oneearwonder.wordpress.com.

No matter your circumstances, take the first small step. With each step, you will be able to see more of the road ahead, and momentum will be your friend, helping you to keep going, while experiencing the great joy of moving forward.

Sometimes Even A Mistaken Decision Holds Great Benefit. Consider Thomas A Edison And The 10,000 Failures That Led To Electric Light! 

Spread Some Joy Today--Worry not. Love yourself. Find joy first and the rest will be easy.

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