Saturday, August 9, 2014

Daily Inspiration 8-9-14

"If it wasn't for dogs, 
some people would never 
go for a walk." 

-- Emily Dickenson 

Well, we know that this statement isn't totally true, but we also know--at least those of us who have dogs--that looking at that energetic, waiting-by-the-door-wagging-that-cute-little-tail dog is so hard to resist being of service to them even though I would rather be in my favorite chair taking a snooze.

And, once out and about following my dog, Charlie, (a tiny specimen), it gives me nearly as much pleasure to watch him find a certain spot in the grass that has just the right smell that it causes him to want to get that smell all over his body, as it obviously does for him.

So, he scratches it, rubs his face on both sides, rolls over on his back and wiggles around down to his tail, then does it again and again and again until he has got all the pleasure out of this particular spot.

Sometimes, depending on the availability of grass on certain walks, this may happen several times. I often wonder what that smell is that is so darn good, but then, deep down, I think I already know. I have often felt that way myself, without the leash, of course.

There's Nothing Quite Like It. 

Spread Some Joy Today--Walk yourself, or take your dog. Either way, it's good. There is joy everywhere.

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