Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Daily Inspiration 7-18-17

"When your heart
and your mind
are aligned,
the choices are easy."

-- Albert K. Strong

I had no idea that this theme of honoring ourselves would be so expansive, and yet I delight in all the ways that I see how this is so helpful to consider in my life.

Something has changed in me in the last few weeks or months that has me seeing my life differently, feeling more connected with my inner knowing, and so much more. It would take pages to describe it, but day by day I'm exposing bits of it here in what I will have to say is probably my Daily Inspiration messages to myself, shared with all who care to see them. It is surprisingly helpful in this way for me too. Learning how to express changes in our lives is expansive in itself.

One thing has become clear to me in sharing these posts about honoring ourselves, and that is that we so often don't. We often go along. We accept. We comply. We conform. To truly honor ourselves, we need to feel free to expand, to be our best selves and in so doing, we cannot avoid honoring others.

I was getting my car repaired and picked up an 'O' magazine where Oprah Winfrey was interviewing ten women (March 2017 issue). I read the whole interview and all the diverse comments you might expect from ten individuals. One thing that Oprah said was that she felt that we were more divided in our country than any time she could think of except perhaps the Civil War period. I agree that it might seem that way, but it is truly just a perception that we in turn use to guide our thoughts and our lives.

I made a note the other day: The gap between us and them. This perceived gap is what so often rules our thoughts, decisions, and actions, whether personally, or in the government, or the entire worldview.

Whenever I am on Facebook, which is less than many would think, I try to be a participant. I like posts, often leave positive comments, and very rarely if something strikes me as off base, do I make any comment at all. Yesterday, I made a comment of one short sentence to offer another point of view on a post that obviously had an agenda to put someone down.

I ended up deleting my post because I didn't want to 'swim upstream' with anyone on the subject. We can each hold on to our point of view and they can be completely different views. Great. My point here this morning is the gap we have between us and how we might consider closing that gap.

Right and wrong, good and bad, holy and evil, and all manner of other comparisons are the tools of the judgment that creates and widens the gap between us. We may try to get someone to come over to our point of view, share our thoughts, and often the other is doing the same, thereby widening the gap as we speak.

This is not something that is solved in this way. There are far too many ways to have gaps between us, and often if we were to fill one gap, another is quickly noticed and expanded.

The way and the only way that I can think of that actually works is to learn to honor ourselves, and in so doing, we can only honor the other. We rarely if ever have all the facts about the other. We cannot see through their eyes. We cannot understand so much what their life has been like, and yet we so easily judge them. In movies, we see all the life on one side and all the threatening of our lives on the other. It is an unfair comparison for sure.

However, as we honor ourselves, we can close any gap by honoring the other regardless of the rhetoric. We must honor ourselves first because until we know who we are, there will always be a gap between us. Once we realize who we really are and that we all come from the same exact Source, share many more similarities than not, we can see ourselves in others, we can honor them.

We don't have to agree with them. But, we need to honor them, allow them their own God-given lives to be lived as they choose. This is what closes the gaps between us.

What has changed in me as I began this piece is that I have become so much more aware of my alignment or lack of it with my heart and mind, or my inner knowing to the point that I now see how this has directed my thoughts and my choices. I now choose differently, with more insight, and all that is a result of honoring myself.

Don't Mind The Gap. By Minding The Alignment, The Gap Is Filled With Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by trying to see the love that is in another that you disagree with. See them as the same as you with different thoughts. See them as whole. Love them.

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