Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Daily Inspiration 7-12-17

"To thine own self, be true."

-- William Shakespeare

What does that mean? To me, it means to honor yourself, respect yourself, enjoy yourself. I think that in this way the common Bible phrase to love others as you love yourself comes alive with new meaning.

More on the interview with Dr. John D. Demartini. He said that we are more often than not judging versus honoring. This applies equally to ourselves and to others, which makes that Bible phrase develop even more life. Not to judge others as we judge ourselves because that is a given. We all have that inner voice that isn't always kind and uplifting, but we all need not pay it the homage that it seems to demand. No, not judging but honoring--honor others as we honor ourselves. That is pure love, isn't it? Not only loving others but also loving ourselves. Honoring and loving are within the same vibrational relativity.

This brings me to more notes that I recorded from that interview: comparing versus serving. That's one of those phrases that just leaps off the page for me. Comparing is something we all do every single day many times throughout the day. We're so used to it that we don't even give it any thought.

We compare ourselves to others, as in, she is better than me, prettier than, smarter than me, or he is thinner than me, healthier than me, more successful than me, or they make more money than me, have nicer homes than me. And, of course, we compare our better than points of view to their less than us in what we think is the reality. They are all lies. Every one of them.

We can compare ourselves to death, and I mean that literally too. Where does it ever stop? It cannot. As we continue to compare this with that and that with this, we find more to compare. A very small amount of this comparison game is even worth paying attention to, but most of it is harmful to our health and keeps us small no matter the stature we imagine we have.

This comparison game encourages us to hide within our comfort zone. Why would we want to step out and find out how bad we would be in comparison to the others already out there? It's safer to stay indoors, whether in our buildings or in our own little mental world. Then, when brave enough to get out there, we are bombarding ourselves with information on comparisons of this and that and the other. Whether performance, or design, or creativity, it just doesn't matter as there is an infinite number of things we can compare within ourselves about ourselves, and without ourselves about other people and about our relations with other people.

If we will consider the word serve instead of compare, serving instead of comparing, this can open a whole new perspective for us and how we can actually live up to that Bible verse and William Shakespeare's famous quote.

As we allow ourselves to serve there is no need to compare. What does it really matter what percentage of something one does versus another? Even someone who contributes one-tenth of one percent if serving is doing all that needs to be done. We serve ourselves and we serve others in allowing our uniqueness, our true self to be exposed. We serve with our message, our knowledge, skill set, expertise, touch, emotion, caring, comfort, our presence. There are infinite ways that we can serve.

More tomorrow, but consider how you are in comparison, and how in serving your true self is shared with the whole in whatever scope that may be.

Honor Your Life In The Service Of Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by feeling your way around today. Follow your bliss!

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