Thursday, May 9, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-9-19

"We may 
succumb to circumstances, 
or, via our powers of choice, 
choose otherwise." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

[Classic post from 5-18-17]

It's amazing how much joy I have received from my Ask and It Is Given Perpetual Calendar from Abraham, Esther Hicks. I think I've had it for about seven years and it is inspiring me every day and I never seem to get tired of its assistance in that task. Rather, I delight in it.

So, I had to share the message from May 17th, which struck me like this: Well, duh! And then I thought how profound it was as a message of a reminder to me. Here is what is written:

"It is not possible to stand still, or be stuck, because Energy, and therefore, life is always in motion. Things are always changing. But the reason it may feel to you as if you are stuck is that while you are continuing to think the same thoughts, things are changing--but they are changing to the same thing, over and over. If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts. And that simply requires finding unfamiliar ways of approaching familiar subjects." 

The one sentence that leaped off that page at me (a figure of speech, of course, because words don't leap. . . or do they?) is this (it's still leaping!):

"If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts." 

Then it leaped again:

"If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts."

I think another way to say that is, "If you want things to be different, you have to change." 

This is even better: "If you want things to be different, you have to change." 

Way better: "If I want things to be different, I have to change!" 

I have to change my thoughts. I have to change my demeanor. I have to change my choices. I have to change my actions. I have to stay focused on the "different" that I want because the "same old" is so solidly planted in my memory and my psyche via habitual patterns of thought.

Do I Want To Keep Getting The Same Difference? 

Spread Some Joy Today--by choosing something different and moving in the direction of it.

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