Monday, May 20, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-20-19

Who has the time?"

-- Albert K. Strong

[Classic post from 5-27-17]

The difference between success and failure of an email is often held in about one minute of research.

I get many requests to allow people to do guest posts on my popular Commercial Truck Success Blog. I have to laugh at most of them at their apparent lack of research and yet seemingly extensive, even obsequious praise of my blogging content. Here's one I received today:

"Hey there

I've been reading a few of your posts, and they're really good - Your blog is really in depth, and it just so happens to be in the same industry as us. Which is why I've approached you for a guest post. Would you be willing to host a guest post on your website which is well written, researched and packed with information for your audience

If you would like to collaborate and host a guest post useful for your audience please feel free to get back to me. I look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards,

Often these come from Gmail addresses with unintelligible names, but this one was a company name ending in .com.

Whatever happened to courteous salutations? Most of the ones I receive say, "Hi there," and this one with "Hey there," is a thoughtless approach. They have my email address at, so that is a clue, but my picture and my name are right on the blog in the sidebar near the top. It would take but a few seconds to learn my name.

Then we have the fluff about how good, and in-depth my blog posts are. Pure dribble.

But, this person and all the others want me to do something for them. What makes them think that this kind of approach would work? It's funny. I've even responded to one or two over the years about their lack of the smallest amount of research to even know my name to use in their salutation. One guy said, "well, every once in a while people will respond just as you did today." That guy even told me they use Hi there because it is more politically correct. Go figure.

This is some silly stuff for a Monday, but it was fresh in my mind and makes me laugh. Do you get silly stuff like this too? It reminds me of the direct mail addressed to "Occupant."

How About Good Day? I'll Have One Of Those, Thank You! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by letting go of those little pet peeves. Advice for me today!

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