Friday, May 31, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-31-19

"Where we are drawing from the infinite 
we need never be afraid 
of taking more than our share."

-- Thomas Troward

[Classic post from 6-13-17]

Yesterday, I shared a post from 2012 that had some quotes in it from The Spirit of Opulence by Judge Thomas Troward, so I thought that I would share the entire piece. It's the kind of thing to print out and read many times, for it contains such volumes of wisdom and more important than this: encouragement. There is no need to put limits on ourselves as the Universe is limitless, by our agreed understanding. Here is:

The Spirit of Opulence
by Thomas Troward

"It is quite a mistake to suppose that we must restrict and stint ourselves in order to develop greater power or usefulness. This is to form the conception of the Divine Power as so limited that the best use we can make of it is by a policy of self-starvation, whether material or mental. Of course, if we believe that some form of self-starvation is necessary to our producing good work, then so long as we entertain this belief the fact actually is so for us. “Whatsoever is not of faith”—that is, not in accordance with our honest belief—“is sin”; and by acting contrary to what we really believe we bring in a suggestion of opposition to the Divine Spirit, which must necessarily paralyze our efforts, and surround us with a murky atmosphere of distrust and want of joy.

But all this exists in, and is produced by, our belief; and when we come to examine the grounds of this belief we shall find that it rests upon an entire misapprehension of the nature of our own power. If we clearly realize that the creative power in ourselves is unlimited, then there is no reason for limiting the extent to which we may enjoy what we can create by means of it. Where we are drawing from the infinite we need never be afraid of taking more than our share. That is not where the danger lies. The danger is in not sufficiently realizing our own richness, and in looking upon the externalized products of our creative power as being the true riches instead of the creative power of spirit itself.

If we avoid this error, there is no need to limit ourselves in taking what we will from the infinite storehouse: “All things are yours.” And the way to avoid this error is by realizing that the true wealth is in identifying ourselves with the spirit of opulence. We must be opulent in our thought. Do not “think money,” as such, for it is only one means of opulence; but think opulence, that is, largely, generously, liberally, and you will find that the means of realizing this thought will flow to you from all quarters, whether as money or as a hundred other things not to be reckoned in cash.

We must not make ourselves dependent on any particular form of wealth, or insist on its coming to us through some particular channel—that is at once to impose a limitation, and to shut out other forms of wealth and to close other channels, but we must enter into the spirit of it. Now the spirit is Life, and throughout the universe Life ultimately consists in circulation, whether within the physical body of the individual or on the scale of the entire solar system; and circulation means a continual flowing around, and the spirit of opulence is no exception to this universal law of all life.

When once this principle becomes clear to us we shall see that our attention should be directed rather to the giving than the receiving. We must look upon ourselves, not as misers’ chests to be kept locked for our own benefit, but as centers of distribution; and the better we fulfill our function as such centers the greater will be the corresponding inflow. If we choke the outlet the current must slacken, and a full and free flow can be obtained only by keeping it open. The spirit of opulence—the opulent mode of thought, that is—consists in cultivating the feeling that we possess all sorts of riches which we can bestow upon others, and which we can bestow liberally because by this very action we open the way for still greater supplies to flow in. But you say, “I am short of money, I hardly know how to pay for necessaries. What have I to give?”

The answer is that we must always start from the point where we are; and if your wealth at the present moment is not abundant on the material plane, you need not trouble to start on that plane. There are other sorts of wealth, still more valuable, on the spiritual and intellectual planes, which you can give; and you can start from this point and practice the spirit of opulence, even though your balance at the bank may be nil. And then the universal law of attraction will begin to assert itself. You will not only begin to experience an inflow on the spiritual and intellectual planes, but it will extend itself to the material plane also.

If you have realized the spirit of opulence you cannot help drawing to yourself material good, as well as that higher wealth which is not to be measured by a money standard; and because you truly understand the spirit of opulence you will neither affect to despise this form of good, nor will you attribute to it a value that does not belong to it; but you will co-ordinate it with your other more interior forms of wealth so as to make it the material instrument in smoothing the way for their more perfect expression. Used thus, with understanding of the relation which it bears to spiritual and intellectual wealth, material wealth become one with them, and is no more to be shunned and feared than it is to be sought for its own sake.

It is not money, but the love of money, that is the root of all evil; and the spirit of opulence is precisely the attitude of mind which is furthest removed from the love of money for its own sake. It does not believe in money. What it does believe in is the generous feeling which is the intuitive recognition of the great law of circulation, which does not in any undertaking make its first question, How much am I going to get by it? But, How much am I going to do by it? And making this the first question, the getting will flow in with a generous profusion, and with a spontaneousness and rightness of direction that are absent when our first thought is of receiving only.

We are not called upon to give what we have not yet got and to run into debt; but we are to give liberally of what we have, with the knowledge that by so doing we are setting the law of circulation to work, and as this law brings us greater and greater inflows of every kind of good, so our out-giving will increase, not by depriving ourselves of any expansion of our own life that we may desire, but by finding that every expansion makes us the more powerful instruments for expanding the life of others. “Live and let live” is the motto of the true opulence."

--Thomas Troward, from “Hidden Power and Other Papers Upon Mental Science”

Enjoy Your Expansion!

Spread some joy today--by imagining the positive possibilities that lie waiting to be accepted by you.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-30-19

"If we clearly realize that the creative power
in ourselves is unlimited, then there is no reason
for limiting the extent to which we may
enjoy what we can create by means of it."

-- Thomas Troward

[Classic post from 3-22-12]

I was brought up as the eldest of five in an environment of lack. The common complaint was that there wasn't enough, yet the reality is that there was always enough. A better way to say it was a lack mentality, or there was a focus on lack, or always looking at the glass as half empty on its way to empty.

I didn't really know any better than to think those same things and then throughout my own life, I chanted similar sentiments, continually reinforcing the lack. Luxuries were a rare event for sure, but looking back, I see clearly that there was always enough and that it was this attitude, or way of looking at things that created a consistent flow of more of the same.

It is only now that I am thinking differently about this by ignoring what is, and focusing on opulence and generosity, which naturally means that there is more than enough so that there is plenty to give away. One thing that has helped me is a short piece by Thomas Troward called, The Spirit of Opulence. I've shared the entire piece previously, but today I want to share just a bit to reinforce what I am saying about my purposeful change in attitude.

I'll start with this short quote with bold highlights that are mine: "The spirit of opulence--the opulent mode of thought, that is--consists in cultivating the feeling that we possess all sorts of riches which we can bestow upon others, and which we can bestow liberally because by this very action we open the way for still greater supplies to flow in. But you say, "I am short of money, I hardly know how to pay for necessaries. What have I to give?"

"The answer is that we must always start from the point where we are; and if your wealth at the present moment is not abundant on the material plane, you need not trouble to start on that plane. There are other sorts of wealth, still more valuable, on the spiritual and intellectual planes, which you can give; and you can start from this point and practice the spirit of opulence, even though your balance at the bank may be nil. And then the universal law of attraction will begin to assert itself. You will not only begin to experience an inflow on the spiritual and intellectual planes, but it will extend itself to the material plane also."

I have taken this wonderful advice written in approximately 1921 to heart and have concentrated in the last several years on practicing the spirit of opulence by giving most generously in many ways other than in dollars. There are many who concentrate on nothing other than dollars, and I think this is so limiting. I am so wealthy in so many ways and it is a sheer joy to share any and all of that wealth in the spirit of opulence.

I Highly Recommend This Practice!

Spread Some Joy Today--Realizing that you have spiritual wealth is the embodiment of joy sharing capacity. Focus on your wealth to realize you have more than enough to share.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-29-19

"It is, a very common,
ancient, well-perfected device
for trying to feel better:
Blaming others."

-- Pema Chödrön

[Classic post from 6-11-17]

She continues, "Blaming is a way to protect your heart, trying to protect what is soft and open and tender in yourself. Rather than own that pain, we scramble to find some comfortable ground." And, often, we seem to find what we think is more comfortable by blaming others or circumstances or events. But, is it more comfortable? Does it feel better? Really?

What was eye-opening to me in this quote was that I had never thought of blaming as an attempt at trying to feel better, and yet it resonated with me. Protection, yes. I get that. Protecting myself and my ego, trying to put the spotlight somewhere else. Heck, we learn this at very young ages. But, trying to feel better? To feel good instead of bad? That seemed so different to me.

Another quote regarding blaming from Pema is this one:

"We habitually erect a barrier called blame that keeps us from communicating genuinely with others, and we fortify it with our concepts of who's right and who's wrong. We do that with the people who are closest to us and we do it with political systems, with all kinds of things that we don't like about our associates or our society."

Certainly, it is a defensive mechanism, yet I never thought of blame as a way of not communicating genuinely with others. It makes total sense. Fortifying it with our accumulated concepts of right and wrong adds even more clarity. I also know how we have a tendency to do it across the board in life, and it is especially easy with things that are not very close to us. I think it is harder to blame the other when they are really close, though we do it anyway, if not outright verbally, within our inner constant dialog.

But, rather than blame, I think Pema gives the way through and to resolve rather than pretend it is another's fault is this:

"Rather than letting our negativity get the better of us, we could acknowledge that right now we feel like a piece of shit and not be squeamish about taking a good look."

We don't have to stay there, but accepting responsibility for how we feel and how we may have created this feeling can help us come to own it and brings us to allow it to pass away without becoming attached to it.

Even more clearly, she shows a more enlightened approach:

"If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher." 

Whether We Blame Ourselves Or Others, Is There Really Any Benefit In That? 

Spread Some Joy Today--by letting go of the need to blame. Try accepting the way things are and finding loving ways to resolve issues.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-28-19

"Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire,
you will what you imagine
and at last, you create what you will."

-- George Bernard Shaw

[Classic post from 7-1-17]

Perhaps a more accurate way to say the first line of this awesome quote is this: Imagination is creation. We only say the beginning of creation because we have a desire to see it and touch it in our physical presence. Of course, that doesn't mean that it wasn't created until it appears physically, it is simply another way of seeing it.

I think the practice of imagining is one of our greatest powers. To see something in our mind's eye is to be able to mold it and shape it and caress it and delight in it. It is a time to create at will. We are creators. We all have this same power; albeit, we may use is more or less as we choose.

Another way to use our imagination is to take something that exists already in sight of our physical eyes that may not be to our liking and modify it so that it is more perfect for us.

Here's a fun practice from Abraham, Esther Hicks. Play the "Wouldn't It Be Nice. . ." game. Wouldn't it be nice to ______? Wouldn't it be nice if _______? Wouldn't it be nice when ________? What a fun way to see things differently even as they are what they are. No pushing against. No stress. No pulling on the rope. Just a fun and effective way to use our imagination.

Imagine The Possibilities. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by injoying yourself. You can even imagine that too!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-27-19

"The concepts
of right and wrong,
good and evil,
exist only in a finite view."

-- Albert K. Strong

Close up, it is easy to see right and wrong. Hard to ignore.

[Classic post from 6-10-17]

In the last many weeks, I have been reading the books of the Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Robert Caro. His four-volume series, The Years of Lyndon Johnson, (only 3,557 pages!) is a lifetime of work, and the fifth volume is still coming at some point.

His first book, The Power Broker about Robert Moses is a masterwork about New York City, massive public works projects, and how one man could control so much power in the city and the state of New York, and who may have been the most prolific builder in all of history. Both of these works are a study in power, and from an even bigger perspective, idealism and practicality in the human endeavor.

I didn't just learn about the people in these books and not even the overriding subject of power and influence and achievement. I didn't just learn, no--I was enlightened. Even that word seems so weak. My consciousness was expanded. I will never be the same as a result of what I read.

I've been practicing trying to explain in as short a manner as possible what I got out of these books. What I just wrote is part of it, but it is also more.

Two days ago, at the check-out in Sam's Club, I had my headset in my ears with the audiobook off for the moment and the young female clerk asked what I was listening to. I told her it was an audiobook called The Power Broker and she asked me what I had learned from it. In a split second, I was amazed at her insightful question, and in a couple of seconds formulated my necessary short answer. Here is what I said:

"Right and wrong exist only up close. The further away we get, right and wrong do not exist."

She seemed fascinated with that answer and seemed like she wanted to sit down and have me explain more about that to her, but the next customer was cued up.

Right and wrong have left the building. Out here it is not existent.

As I was leaving, I was so grateful to her for asking that wonderful question and having very little time to answer it. It was as succinct as I can imagine getting in explaining the overriding theme that I received from the 1,162 pages of this book in less than 15 seconds. The Lyndon Johnson series brings the total to 4,719 pages matching that same theme and answer.

This morning getting a haircut, I told my hair stylist about that encounter and what I learned from these great books. It made sense to her. We talked then about how so often we make judgments about events or people when we don't know the whole story and we may never know any but the smallest piece of a story. I told her that applies to others and it applies to ourselves in how we may remember things differently at different times and so on.

I told her that the best result for me personally is to step back in every situation and try to get a larger perspective and allow things to unfold rather than simply making a judgment.

She thought that maybe we should all do this and I said, no, that doing that would never work. The best we can do is to allow others to believe as they choose, to make judgments as they choose, to do or say what they choose, as we allow ourselves to gain a perspective where we can see how all that works together gaining a better understanding of all of life. As we express our own perspective to those who want to see or hear it, they can adopt some ours for their own, or let it be as they choose.

And, that is how it was from the books. All of it worked together. It is like watching the earth from space how the clouds are moving around, the earth is spinning and circling the sun at the same time, the water and the land, all of it in harmony, traveling in harmony, in divine operation without any of our input or concerns. Yet, it is fascinating also to see things closer up and to see it unfolding in its own way.

The End Result In Just One Word? Love. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by enjoying the unfolding joy in your life.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-26-19

"You don't make mistakes.
Mistakes make you.

Mistakes make you smarter.
Mistakes make you stronger.
And, they make you more self-reliant."

-- Harriet Lauler, 
played by Shirley MacLaine
written by Stuart Ross Fink
from the movie, The Last Word

[Classic post from 6-9-17]

A few moments later in the movie, Harriet advises Anne Sherman, played by Amanda Seyfried to not only not fear failure or try to avoid it, but to purposefully fail:

"Fall on your face! Fail. Fail spectacularly! When you fail, you learn. When you fail, you live."

In an earlier part, these questions were asked when she was talking to some young kids about all the big risks she took in her life:

"You have to ask yourself this question: Are you willing to take a risk to do something stupid, or, are you willing to take a risk to do something great?"

It always fascinates me what I learn from movies. And, in some, I gain whole new perspectives about my own travels through life.

I loved these gems I just shared with you, and yet I gleaned more from this delightful flick. I saw deeper into someone than the surface knowing may indicate. I saw beyond the harsh, angry, controlling facade of someone who is manipulative and overbearing into that soft, gooey, loving and divine part so effectively hidden until some circumstance, or some encounter with another, or others open that faint crack wider and wider until there is no more animosity, hatred, disdain, or fear, and then there is ourselves in some way, and there is infinite love. And, in this, all are affected.

How can that be? Someone who is hated by everyone in their life, including family, and blaming all others for their plot in life (pun intended) is not really that at all. It is only a show. It is only a facade. What is beyond the facade is what is real.

It reminds me of a grand statement in the preface of A Course In Miracles, where it is said: "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." 

Seeing Beyond What I Think I See. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by loving the unloved, the rejected, the downtrodden, the discarded. Seeing ourselves in them helps us to love them and to allow them to allow their own love to surface and show the real person within.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-25-19

"There is not a more pleasing exercise
of the mind than gratitude.
It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction
that the duty is sufficiently rewarded
by the performance."

-- Joseph Addison

[Classic post from 6-8-17]

While searching for something else, I found a site about psychology and someone was stating what a loser they were and how everything goes wrong and how terrified they are and how depressed they feel and they are 25 and unemployed and living at home and on and on and on. Then there were all these responses to the lengthy statement of how bad things are and how hopeless life is right now. The responses were all over the place, some recommending psychotherapy, others to stay away from self-help books and others trying to cheer him up by just being positive and upbeat. It was an interesting read.

I have an easier answer and a much more effective one too. Get ready. . . here comes the wisdom of the world. . . to solve almost all of life's problems, turn your life around and turn your life on. . . Here it is. It is gratitude. It is being grateful. It is finding anything, anything at all to appreciate, to be thankful for.

The other day I had a sort of revelation while driving. I was thinking about some people who have told me that they have a hard time being grateful for so many things. I always suggest that they not worry about that aspect and just pretend to be grateful and that the practice of pretending will bring it to you in reality. I know this because I did it myself.

I was thinking about those responses and it came to me that the whole purpose of gratitude is to get out of yourself! Wow. I thought that was pretty powerful, simple, and very enlightening. It's so simple that it is taken for granted.

We're into ourselves 24/7 because we are inside ourselves and everything else is outside. We think thoughts so fast and we've accumulated so many habits and beliefs. Sometimes the only way to get some perspective is to find a way to get outside of ourselves, even if only for a few short minutes. The benefits can be life-changing. And, the way to do that immediately and surely each and every time is to be grateful. Find things to be grateful for. Express gratitude for people, things, and events. Seek thankfulness and enjoy the rewards of that outward expression of inward thought.

If you ever feel down, seek to be grateful for being there. If that doesn't work, find something else to be grateful for. It doesn't matter how big or small. To God, I don't think there is such a thing. Just find something, anything. Then begin adding things. It could be that the sky is blue or that water comes out of the faucet, then it could be gratitude for the family, the home you live in. Believe me, the list will grow and grow and grow. There is so much to be thankful for. Make a list today!

There Is Always Something. . . To Be Grateful For!

Spread Some Joy Today--I know it for a fact and have proven it to many others: become grateful and your life will always be full--beginning with the day you become grateful.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-24-19

"Holding a grudge
is like walking on hot coals
while being chained to a post."

-- Albert K. Strong

[Classic post from 6-7-17]

Nelson Mandella said, "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." When looked at from either of these perspectives, it is filled with pain and only harming ourselves.

It begs the question: What good could possibly come from that?

Nelson Mandella was an angry man, and that anger was easily justified in his mind and that of many around him, and he learned while in prison for many years what good that anger did. He heaped hot coals upon his own head for a long time until he came to the realization that it was only himself that he was doing harm to--like drinking poison and then hoping it would kill his enemies.

I watched an excellent short video last weekend from Davidji. I subscribe to his weekend meditation emails and find myself learning more every week on choosing a more peaceful perspective. In the video, Davidji said this line that resonated with me:

"Having gratitude for the painful moments is the true life lesson."

What good can possibly come from painful moments? A grateful heart would be at the top of the list in my mind. Why? It's not so much because it is a lesson that I need to learn, but a perspective that I am encouraged to view that can help me come back to love.

Drinking poison won't help me, holding a grudge keeps me in a repetitive cycle of self-inflicted pain. A few simple questions at any point leading me toward a better perspective might be, how's that working for me? Is this what I want? Do I want to feel this way? Am I in charge of my own life?

When I can find gratitude, to be grateful for, thankful for, blessed by a situation I was in pain about, I can see beyond the pain. I can take responsibility for the pain as being self-inflicted. I can see a grander perspective of life in general and how harmony and disharmony co-relate everywhere, and that out of disharmony, harmony is born in desire for its own sake, all leading back to love.

Love Is The Larger Perspective.

Spread Some Joy Today--by taking another look from a different point of view to see the benefit that magically appears from that perspective.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-23-19

"In the phrase,
'power and control,'
power is the ability,
and control is the choice."

-- Albert K. Strong

[Classic post from 6-6-17]

Contrary to popular misconception, each and every person on this planet, have the same exact amount of power and choice. No one has more than another regardless of how it may appear. We all have the power of thought--the ability to think. We all have the unique choice of choosing the thoughts that we think. No other regardless of position has more power than any other in these. Unless they abdicate their own power.

I was reminded this morning by a few key phrases I was reading in Money, and the Law of Attraction, by Esther & Jerry Hicks and the Teachings of Abraham. Here are some of those phrases and thoughts that resonated with me:

"If you will bring yourself to a more deliberate control of your own thought, you will bring yourself to a more deliberate control of your own life experience."

I remembered that no one has any power over my thought unless I allow that. I alone retain the power of thought in me and I alone control my choices of what I will think.

"As you develop the habit of looking for good-feeling thoughts, the circumstances that surround you must improve. The Law of Attraction demands it. When you feel good, you experience the sensation of doors opening as the Universe is cooperating with you; and when you feel bad, it feels as if the doors are closing and the cooperation stops."

The key, of course, is paying attention to how I am feeling and having a desire to feel good. I have the power and the choice here always and in all ways. Feeling bad is merely and exquisitely a wake-up call that feeling bad is not what I really want, thereby giving me an opportunity to choose differently. Whatever the negative feeling is I might call bad is simply telling me that I am out of alignment with what I want. As I focus on a pothole and become upset that it is there, I find more of them to be upset about. As I focus on beauty, I find more beauty to love.

This last part is such a powerful learning experience for me:

"You must not rely on conditions changing in order to control the way you feel. You must improve your ability to focus positively regardless of the condition--and to do that, it helps to remember that every subject has wanted and unwanted within it, and that, if you are deliberate, you can find something that feels better."

Abraham was pointing this out by how we might be in some kind of relationship (romantic, work, or any other), and see the other or others experiencing pain in a situation, maybe even blaming us for the pain. We may want their pain to subside and to have them feel better, but often we may be feeling their pain within ourselves. They add this very important bit:

"We just want to emphasize that you are not feeling their pain, caused by their situation, but instead you are feeling your own pain brought about by your own thinking. There is great control in that knowledge, and, in fact, true freedom."

Again, we all have the same power and choice, but not in another. We only have that power within ourselves. We cannot make another feel anything, but we can certainly and exclusively choose how we want to feel by what we are choosing to think.

One of the most empowering things that we can do toward inner peace is to allow all others to think and choose as they will without any insistence that they will satisfy us. Only we have that power for ourselves.

Our Individual Power And Ability Reign.

Spread Some Joy Today--by rejoicing in your power of thought and choice.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-22-19

"Seconds tick you closer to death.
Moments bring you closer to life."

-- Alan Cohen

[Classic post from 6-5-17]

Spend them. Savor them. In a hurry or in calm. In worry or in peace. On time or on point. Confronting or allowing. Upset or in love. Out of focus or in clarity. Complacent or in joy.

How Ever They Are For You, Is Purely Up To You.

Spread some joy today--in the culture of your moments.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-21-19

"We aren't selling anything!"

-- Chili Palmer,
played by John Travolta
in the movie, Be Cool

[Classic post from 6-4-17]

You've probably seen or heard the phrase, lack mentality, or lack mindset, or, limiting beliefs. We all have beliefs. A lot of them. Some are helpful and some are not so helpful. Having a lack-mentality is one that is not helpful. It is a limiting belief, and yet it is prominent in our world today and throughout history.

As I learn more about myself, I have paid more attention to my thoughts, and especially my lack-oriented thoughts. I want abundance. I want abundant thoughts and I have many of those, and more of them all the time as I grow in my expanding awareness of the natural abundance of our planet and our universe. I don't want to think about what I don't have, wish I had, worry, and such, and yet, it is there. It is there because I have had a great deal of input from my parents and the world in general to support the idea of lack and not so much about abundance. It is my strong desire to really know abundance that has led me to attract teachers that support me in a better way.

I recently bought two books that are helping me look at those limiting beliefs I've carried with me through my life. One is short, easy and delightfully titled, The Abundance Code, by Julie Ann Cairns. It is about 7 predominant money myths that most of us have heard and experienced many times in many ways, such as an old saying like, "money doesn't grow on trees, time is money, and others. I am enjoying the information and it is putting some of my lackful thinking into words and mental images I can easily see reoccurring in my life.

The other is somewhat more academic by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler: Abundance - The Future Is Better Than You Think. I've only just stepped into this book and I can already see how helpful it is to realize that abundance is the rule and lack is the myth, though our world often reverses that.

Then, as I was thinking about how to share my thoughts on this subject this morning, I remembered one of my favorite movies because it makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it: Be Cool, which is a sequel to Get Shorty. Both excellent. I had never thought about that movie in this way, but I thought that the movie is all about lack and abundance mindsets. Chili Palmer has an abundance mindset. He sees possibilities all day long and isn't fearful to step out with confidence in an abundant result, while all around him is fear and worry and lackful thinking, as in what can't be done, shouldn't be done, and more. It made me laugh to consider this new insight into this movie and to see it from that perspective.

When you've got some financial issues (and it need not be financial as it can be about any lackful thoughts), and you have assets you could sell, do you think of doing that? Even if you aren't acting on it, do you think that? I have done that so many times in my life not realizing that this was lackful thinking, my limiting beliefs about money and about having and not having, stress and relief and more.

As I was pacing my office, which I do when I am just thinking about things, I was having some of those thoughts and I realized that I was having them. I recognized them as my limiting beliefs in action in my mind. All of a sudden, Chili Palmer's ultra-confident and massively abundant statement came to me: "We're not selling anything!" I started laughing again. I'm talking joyful laughter where the smile takes a long time to fade from my delighted face.

This is a definite indication that I am not quite "there yet." I am certainly a work in progress; however, I have made significant progress! If nothing else, I am aware now of these limiting beliefs, and how they come in and try to take over my mind. I watch them come in and watch them for a while and then I find the benefit of their visit. It is often to remind me to pay more attention to what I want instead of what I might have at the moment.

Lack And Abundance Have Two Things In Common: Awareness And Choice. 

Spread Some Joy Today--because every single moment is a new opportunity to choose joy and something else. Which one feels right to you?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-20-19

Who has the time?"

-- Albert K. Strong

[Classic post from 5-27-17]

The difference between success and failure of an email is often held in about one minute of research.

I get many requests to allow people to do guest posts on my popular Commercial Truck Success Blog. I have to laugh at most of them at their apparent lack of research and yet seemingly extensive, even obsequious praise of my blogging content. Here's one I received today:

"Hey there

I've been reading a few of your posts, and they're really good - Your blog is really in depth, and it just so happens to be in the same industry as us. Which is why I've approached you for a guest post. Would you be willing to host a guest post on your website which is well written, researched and packed with information for your audience

If you would like to collaborate and host a guest post useful for your audience please feel free to get back to me. I look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards,

Often these come from Gmail addresses with unintelligible names, but this one was a company name ending in .com.

Whatever happened to courteous salutations? Most of the ones I receive say, "Hi there," and this one with "Hey there," is a thoughtless approach. They have my email address at, so that is a clue, but my picture and my name are right on the blog in the sidebar near the top. It would take but a few seconds to learn my name.

Then we have the fluff about how good, and in-depth my blog posts are. Pure dribble.

But, this person and all the others want me to do something for them. What makes them think that this kind of approach would work? It's funny. I've even responded to one or two over the years about their lack of the smallest amount of research to even know my name to use in their salutation. One guy said, "well, every once in a while people will respond just as you did today." That guy even told me they use Hi there because it is more politically correct. Go figure.

This is some silly stuff for a Monday, but it was fresh in my mind and makes me laugh. Do you get silly stuff like this too? It reminds me of the direct mail addressed to "Occupant."

How About Good Day? I'll Have One Of Those, Thank You! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by letting go of those little pet peeves. Advice for me today!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-19-19

no matter where I am going
and no matter what I am doing,
it is my dominant intent
to see that which
I am wanting to see."

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks

[Classic post from 6-2-17]

I've had this empowering affirmation printed out and on my wall for at least a few years now. I love it and have long ago memorized it, yet it is so beneficial to be there on the wall to remind me.

Perhaps underneath that printed page, there should be another that says, "How's that goin' for ya?" And, it is that question that caused me to write about this today.

If I were to answer that question, I would say, "It's going pretty well. The majority of the time now, I think I am seeing what I want to see, and sometimes I don't, but then I am reminded that I am empowered to see that which I want to see, to experience that which I want to experience. Then, I can get back on board so to speak."

The difference now with a few years of practice is that it takes less and less time to get back on board in my empowerment. But, what came to me this morning is that as I am seeing that which I don't want to see, it is simply that I am out of alignment with what I want to see. I'm not lining up with myself and instead, I am wandering around. I've gone walkabout as they say in Australia.

I used to go far on my walkabout and now the distance is shorter. I realize that I'm moving away and I can tell because I am paying attention to how I feel. If I am feeling tense, irritated, upset, angered, it is such a great clue as to where my thoughts have taken me. When I am aligned with myself and seeing what I want to see, I feel calm, relaxed, happy, peaceful, and even joyous.

This morning I read something on the front page of the newspaper that caused me to instantly go walkabout. I felt how I was feeling and it was sadness, disappointment, even some anger, and disgust. It doesn't take long anymore for me to realize what is going on. I'm out of alignment with what I want, and what I want to see and to experience.

I get to choose that and this is what makes it so empowering to me. All I need to do is to lay down the rope of resistance that I find myself pulling on, and turn toward what I want to see and experience. Once that is done, I am back in alignment, back on track, in my power. In this place, I am aligning with what I want to see. And, that is then what I see. Life is good again regardless of what any other may be choosing for themselves.

What Are You Aligning Yourself With Today? 

Spread Some Joy Today--by breathing deeply, laying down the rope, remembering you have the power of choice. Always. Always. Always. No one else can think for you. Only you can do that for you.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-18-19

"We often see obstacles
as blocking our view
wishing they would go away.
Yet with a little more awareness,
the obstacles can demonstrate
the grand design in
seeing the bigger picture."

-- Albert K. Strong

[Classic post from 5-29-17]

A clear blue sky is a beautiful thing to view, and yet it grows in size with some obstacles in the way. The sky looks so big--way bigger with some clouds, even when those clouds might seem to hide a great deal of the blue in the sky.

This view of the early morning sky today reminded me of how what we choose to focus on, and what we choose to allow ourselves to see is what we see. We can see so many clouds blocking the view, lowering the temperature, blocking the sun. Or, we can see how those clouds, and especially this morning, cause the sky to look so big that I feel insignificant in size to it and yet delight in the vastness and the beauty, even the beauty that is added by the obstacle itself.

Recently, I shared a story by Bashar that indicated that events are all neutral and devoid of meaning. It is we who add the meaning to the event, and the most interesting part of that is that we get to always, always, always, choose the meaning we give an event. And, even better is that we can change the meaning when we used to see it one way and now we can see it in a completely different light.

It's the same with so-called obstacles, roadblocks, and other such impediments to our progress toward what we want. Is that the definition of delayed gratification? Hmm. As in that story, the obstacles we see and feel are actually neutral. We see them as negative, or as blockages, because of the meaning, we have developed over time and the influence of others on our points of view. However, we can change that should we desire to do so.

We can choose to see being fired from a job as being a very negative event, or it can be a joyous event. We can see lack, or we can see abundance. And anywhere in between. Reality is the reality and it is totally up to us what reality means to us. That's when it becomes our reality.

Obstacles Or Gateways? It's All In Our Interpretation Of Our View. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by seeing the bigger picture. Joy is the bigger picture!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-17-19

"Fettuccine Alfredo
is macaroni and cheese for adults."

-- Mitch Hedberg

[Classic post from 5-26-17]

It's FRIDAY! Well, in this part of the world anyway. Been planning all week for this day? Heck, this day is almost over in Europe. It's been Saturday for a while already in other parts of the world, so they have a jump on us.

It's a 4-day weekend! It's really a 3-day holiday weekend, but many of us started early. It's too hard to wait for it, you know? Or, is that next week? Hmm. Let's pretend it is both!

There's Nothing Left To Do But Enjoy! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by letting go and going with the flow!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-16-19

"A loving silence
often has far more power 
to heal and connect than the
most well-intentioned words."

-- Rachel Naomi Remen

[Classic post from 6-3-17]

This is especially true when there may be differing points of view of what may be happening in another's life. To simply support them in their point of view and their choice of thought and feeling is one of the best definitions of being loving.

Sometimes Words Just Get In The Way. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing others their choice of experience with our loving support.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-15-19

"I exist as I am, that is enough.
If no other in the world be aware
I sit content,
And if each and all be aware
I sit content.

One world is aware,
and by far the largest to me,
and that is myself.
And whether I come to my own today
or in ten thousand or ten million years,
I can cheerfully take it now,
or with equal cheerfulness,
I can wait."

-- Walt Whitman,
from Leaves of Grass

[Classic post from 5-25-17]

It's been a long time since I've read the Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, and I was reminded of the passage above from the book by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Your Sacred Self.

I was looking for some great points about loving myself from Wayne Dyer because he taught me how to love unconditionally. He did that by giving me his definition of unconditional love for others in this that I have quoted with joy so many times:

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you."

And yet, as many times as I have stated this quote, I have to make a change to it so that it is more unconditional. I need to remove the conditional word phrase, 'those that you care for,' and replace them with two others, 'all others,' or better yet, 'all people,' or simply, 'all.' With the changes:

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow all to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy me."

We all have the ability. That cannot be denied; however, we don't all have the willingness, but it is in the willingness, the act of trust that I can love others and the choices they make, honoring those choices without my having to approve of them, or even like them at all.

So, since Wayne Dyer taught me so much about love (along with a few other awesome people!), I was thinking, is loving myself different or harder than loving others? Can I love others unconditionally and not be loving myself unconditionally? I don't think that is possible.

I met up with a friend and reader recently and we were talking about the changes in him. Then, he told me, "you taught me how to love myself." I cannot even imagine a higher compliment than this, and yet I can only be doing that as a matter of practice, for I don't yet see myself as fully there.

But, you know, that word, practice, is one of my favorites because that is one of the best ideas I've ever come across. To practice is to act, to do, to state, to do again, to continue to improve, to expand, to unfold, and I see learning to love unconditionally as the highest practice I can ever entertain and participate in. Indeed, I see practice is as required as is breathing in and out is required for life in this body. It's not a place we get to and then we are there, it is continually unfolding.

In the Bible, it is stated several times to love your neighbor as you love yourself--even as God has loved us. I don't see any way, nor any meaning in separating those loves. They are the exact same as we allow that to be. We all have the ability. We may not have the willingness yet. However, we will all know it, whether now or soon, or after we make our transition in death at which point I believe we are welcomed home to unconditional love. Finding it now makes for a far more delightful journey.

Ability? Done! Willingness? Done. Practicing? Absolutely! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by closing your eyes from time to time and allow yourself to feel the depth of God's love for you and feel the joy within that encourages you to share that joy today and every day.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-14-19

"You simply cannot get 
to where you want to be
by controlling
or eliminating
the unwanted."

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks

[Classic post from 5-28-17]

I was reading some bits from some books this morning surrounding the idea that happiness is experiencing what is wanted and unhappiness is what is not wanted.

Abraham shared a little that I have come to understand with joy and it has completely changed all my relationships:

"The best thing you could do for anyone that you love, is be happy! And the very worst thing that you could do for anyone that you love, is be unhappy, and then ask them to try to change it, when there is nothing that anybody else can do that will make you happy."

In the movies and as we have learned in many ways, we think that another, and especially in a close relationship can cause us to be happy or unhappy. We may even work hard at trying to see that the other is happy so that we can feel good, and when they are not, we feel bad. But, that is too much to ask of another person. Only I can make myself happy or unhappy. It is a choice. The movies make it seem like it is a stimulus and response, but what it really is would be stimulus and choice.

Then I found this delightful little story from Bashar in the book, Bashar: Blueprint For Change, that adds so much to this discussion:

"It is not so much that experience gives rise to meaning; it is that meaning gives rise to experience. . . All circumstances are neutral. The meaning you choose to believe; the meaning you choose to create in life, about your life, is what generates the particular types of circumstances you experience. These reinforce, reflect and represent the meanings you are creating. Giving meaning is the actual act of creation itself! To give meaning to something is to create it into existence in your particular experiential realm."

"Now, to illustrate this idea, let's say you are on your way to the train station to catch a train. You arrive at the station; the train has just left. That is the neutral situation. There is no meaning in it: you are standing on the platform; the train is moving; you are not on it. Period."

"Now the old you might have had a negative reaction. "Oh gosh, oh darn," you might say. "I have done something wrong. This is very bad; I am now very angry. Those train people! They were too early. I was not late; no, no, no. They were too early. I will now go and complain to someone." All right. Your choice."

"Or again: the new person, the person you now know you have changed into, is going for the train. You arrive at the platform; the train has left. Once again, the neutral situation: you are on the platform; the train is moving; you are not on it. But now you know you are different. You know that everything in your life is there for a positive reason; it does not matter that the symbol is the same. Because you now trust that and do not go stomping off to complain, your anger no longer blinds you to the fact that having just stepped off that train is a friend you haven't seen in ten years. If you had reacted in the old way, walking off in anger, you would not have met her. But you will now discover, in the course of subsequent events, that you did need to meet her at that time, and for positive reasons."

This is not only a great story and illustration, but it is also telling of how one choice closes off other things, and how as we choose our previous trained reactions, we are blinded by that to the best that could have come from the event. As we allow ourselves to realize that things are happening not at random, but in a chorus supporting our point of view, we will make better choices and have more harmonious outcomes.

The Meaning Is Not Put Upon Us, But The Other Way Around. In That, We Create Our Own Reality. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing your life to flow and to find the meaning that creates the best result by your own choosing.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-13-19

"All the world's a stage." 

-- William Shakespeare 

[Classic post from 5-24-17]

I was rereading some more of Bashar this morning, and finally allowing it to make more sense to me. This glared at me: "This is why many of you create the seeming contradictions in your lives. You say you wish to change the primary focus, but when you look around, you are continually seeing the same background--in a sense, seeing the idea of your primary focus against the same background, rather than allowing the entire background to be a part of the primary focus, and changing along with it." 

The paragraph before that explains the idea more fully: "Therefore, when you seek to create changes in your own primary belief system focus, often you will only continuously weigh that primary focus or change against a background that you will not allow yourselves to see has changed. But if you are willing to recognize that everything changes when you change anything, then you will not still see the primary background in the same light. You will begin to realize that something is different--somewhere, somehow." 

I was thinking of the primary focus as being the stage of our lives, and that we will only allow ourselves to believe that which is most true about ourselves and our surroundings, or the stage that we stand upon.

As I decide that I want something different, that I want to be something different than I am now or have been, it is easy to make that decision. It is even easy to begin acting upon it. We are, after all, action-oriented beings, so acting on things is easy for us, even without much in the way of thought. So I begin to act the part of that which I have decided that I want to be, to have that which I've decided I want to have, and so on.

But, I forget to change the scene. I'm playing the new part against the old stage set. I'm playing Superman in front of the stage set for Gone With the Wind. Then I wonder why I'm not manifesting what I want. But, once I change the primary belief, or the part I have decided to play, the audience which is only my feedback mechanism is telling me that their laughter at what is being displayed is somehow messed up.

So, I look at the stage set and I start yelling at the stage crew for the inept handling of their duties, all the while realizing that I am the stage crew and I'm yelling at myself, criticizing myself, feeling like such a fool.

Then I realize what went wrong. I must allow my primary belief, my new choice to give instruction to the stage crew so that the background and the foreground match. Then, as I am acting the part in my own play, the audience will see the brilliance of my acting skill and believe it to be true. And with that feedback, I believe it to be true.

Don't Forget To Set The Stage. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing yourself to believe what is most true for you. Feel the joy that is your audience.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-12-19

"When you are doing what truly represents
the vibration of your reality, 
all the details take care of themselves. 

The things that don't get done, 
if you are truly being 
 who you know you need to be, 
don't need to be done 
to allow you to be that person." 

-- Bashar 

[Classic post from 5-23-17]

This morning I was reading some passages that I highlighted when I first read the book, Bashar: Blueprint For Change. Two of those passages are above and I wanted to elaborate on this idea of thinking that there is so much to do and we will never get it done and how that can cause all manner of anxiety.

The paragraph that contains the second statement above, which was not highlighted by me then, focused on an idea that I had not given any real thought to. Bashar said this:

"You see, the difficulty you are having is in thinking that your life is a series of separated ideas, rather than one homogeneous event in which everything that needs to be done to allow you to be the person you need to be will be taken care of automatically." 

I thought, wow! That whole idea of our lives being pieced together rather than having it be whole as a living organism resonates.

I like how Abraham, Esther Hicks says often that we never get it done. My interpretation of that is to learn to allow more, to not focus on the parts, or the ills, or the lessons, but to live the dynamic that is life as this constantly moving and morphing event, by enjoying the moments of its movement, feeling the feelings that are guiding us without diving into them, and to focus as much as we are willing on what we want now and remaining in joy as we dare allow ourselves to experience, while all the while allowing all others and things to be what they are in respect of their choices.

A couple of days ago, I went for a 4-mile walk. As another would come toward me, I did something different. I put my hands together in front of my heart and I bowed in reverence to each person. Inside I said, Namaste. It's funny the reactions that I noticed, but I loved the practice of honoring the other as I honor myself.

What gets done, gets done, and what doesn't is unnecessary. There are not pieces, it is never done, and nothing is left undone. What there is remains what is important, and that is our choices, our vibration of what reality is for us, and our allowing of each in their own, honoring the light in all of us.


Spread Some Joy Today--by injoying yourself as if your life depended on it.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-11-19

"Eventually life comes back to simplicity." 

-- Alan Cohen 

[Classic post from 5-20-17]

This morning I received this quote above from Alan Cohen, and also this quote from Abraham, Esther Hicks from a seminar in 1999:

"There will be someone who comes from a background of poverty who is influenced to strong wanting. And the rockets of desire will shoot, and then they will find a way to find vibrational harmony with their desire. They will get into this flow in which material things flow into their life at outrageous abundance. And they will feel brief moments of success as it comes until they are eventually buried by the cumbersomeness of it, and then the next rocket of desire that is born is: "I'm wanting a simpler life." 

I printed them out and set them aside. Then, a few hours later, I realized that this is exactly what has occurred in my own life.

I realized that I have been living a simpler life for some time now. As I stood in that realization, I was pleasantly amazed and delighted. How appropriate it is that I received both of these messages today.

I Am Happy With Where I Am And In Whom I Have Become. 

Spread Some Joy Today--As you are happy with who you are now, joy finds you.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-10-19

"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 
And, so is everything else." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

[Classic post from 5-19-17]

Our perspective is built on beliefs and our beliefs are created with repetitive thoughts, and so what we see is seen through each of our own perspectives.

One can see an opportunity, and another sees nothing but a lack of opportunity. One sees abundance, and another is starved in lack. And there are millions of points in between these opposites that I will call shades of gray.

I was reminded of the fact that our vision is tainted by our perspective this morning and that if what we see is not what we desire, then we must first begin the process of changing the beliefs and that is done by changing the thoughts.

What is, is not real. What is filtered through our consciousness is what is real. If we want to change what is real to us, then we need to change the filter.

However the change may unfold, it is a thought that gets it moving by making a decision to think it and to act on it. Often we may think that we cannot do something, achieve something, and this is only a filtering problem. Once we change the filter, magically, we are able to do and achieve.

Maybe that change is only a step in the direction we intend, but it is motion. I have found that via that motion put in gear by the decision and the desire for change built from the new thoughts, it is amazing how we can see a way to a solution when just a short time ago there was little or no hope of a solution.

The struggle is valuable. If there is a struggle, this is an indication of a desire to not struggle, and this will require a filter change. As it is changed, doors are opened, avenues are clearer. There may be many struggles to continue to move in the direction we want to go. So what? If the struggle is creating a desire for change, then celebrate the struggle.

I was just this morning talking with my main business partner about some things we have changed for the better simply by deciding to do so and then magically, it all worked out. I didn't yet believe, but I thought we would try and so that began the thinking filter change and the decision caused action. Now I have a new belief. It can be done. It will be done. We can do it. We are doing it. It is done.

There's No Such Thing As Problems With No Solutions Except That Thinking Makes It So. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by thinking your way into joy.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-9-19

"We may 
succumb to circumstances, 
or, via our powers of choice, 
choose otherwise." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

[Classic post from 5-18-17]

It's amazing how much joy I have received from my Ask and It Is Given Perpetual Calendar from Abraham, Esther Hicks. I think I've had it for about seven years and it is inspiring me every day and I never seem to get tired of its assistance in that task. Rather, I delight in it.

So, I had to share the message from May 17th, which struck me like this: Well, duh! And then I thought how profound it was as a message of a reminder to me. Here is what is written:

"It is not possible to stand still, or be stuck, because Energy, and therefore, life is always in motion. Things are always changing. But the reason it may feel to you as if you are stuck is that while you are continuing to think the same thoughts, things are changing--but they are changing to the same thing, over and over. If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts. And that simply requires finding unfamiliar ways of approaching familiar subjects." 

The one sentence that leaped off that page at me (a figure of speech, of course, because words don't leap. . . or do they?) is this (it's still leaping!):

"If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts." 

Then it leaped again:

"If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts."

I think another way to say that is, "If you want things to be different, you have to change." 

This is even better: "If you want things to be different, you have to change." 

Way better: "If I want things to be different, I have to change!" 

I have to change my thoughts. I have to change my demeanor. I have to change my choices. I have to change my actions. I have to stay focused on the "different" that I want because the "same old" is so solidly planted in my memory and my psyche via habitual patterns of thought.

Do I Want To Keep Getting The Same Difference? 

Spread Some Joy Today--by choosing something different and moving in the direction of it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-8-19

"You can't take sides against anything. 
If you would just leave the "against" part out; 
if you would just be one who is for things--
you would live happily ever after. . ."

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks 

[Classic post from 5-6-17]

It is completely natural to like and dislike, want and not want, but it is a learned action to push against that which we do not like and do not want. Anger can be called a perfect emotion because it quite explicitly tells me where I am. It tells me that there is something that I don't want or like and that I am struggling against it, and the resultant emotion of anger is telling me that I am out of alignment with my Inner Being, my Spiritual Center, my Christ Consciousness, the God within. There are lots of words for that inner knowing and that inner knowing is talking to me through my emotions.

I can feel it so clearly. The discordance within my entire being is telling me. I can feel it physically, and I can feel it emotionally. It is the most perfect guidance system imaginable.

Because it is also natural to want, to desire, to like, I can feel the guidance that comes with that too. I can feel that I am in alignment. There is resonance inside within my physical body and in my emotional feelings. It is a delightful thing to be for something, to find joy in something, to love something or someone.

Hope or despair, pain and suffering or joy and awe. We get to choose all of that. There is one thing that helps me to know this and that is to realize that I am much more than this body, this brain, these thoughts. I am an aspect of the Creator, a part of God. I am a Spiritual Being having a physical experience and as I realize that I am in that position as if I am above myself seeing what I am thinking, seeing what I am doing, I understand better now that I can allow my body and mind to be guided by how I feel.

As I feel that I am alone in the flesh and bone frame and that I have little control over my experience here, I struggle because I don't know any better. Knowledge is power, and awareness is everything.

A few days ago, I was sharing the idea of Unconditional Happiness as touted by Michael A. Singer in The Untethered Soul. It is all about choice. We choose, life happens. Life happens, we choose. In all cases, we can choose, and so we can choose to fight and struggle and push against whatever we want. As we do this, we are guided by our Untethered Soul via how we are feeling in those actions and thoughts. Or, we can choose differently, see a different out-pictured world, and feel delightfully changed emotion indicating our guidance is on track.

Jason Mraz said, "I think it's important and I think it's true that our life experience is going to be about our attitude, our thoughts, our beliefs, our speech, and our actions. We can transform our life experience simply by changing our language." Of course, language is important and since he is a writer and songwriter, language is his communication. I love this quote and the one word that I associate within it is the word attitude. Attitude is another word for perspective. So I would change his last line to this: We can transform our life experience simply by changing our perspective.

It's So Tiring To Always Be Swimming Upstream. Unless, Of Course, You Find Joy In That. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by feeling your joy via your alignment within.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Daily Inspiration 5-7-19

"Excuse me, 
but I don't think I noticed 
"happy dance" on your "to-do" list. 

You do plan to happy dance today, don't you? 

Get down" 

-- The Universe,
a.k.a., Mike Dooley 

[Classic post from 5-12-17]

I've been receiving Notes From the Universe by Mike Dooley for many years, and this one made me laugh and feel good, and many minutes later, I am still smiling all over my body. 

It instantly reminded me of The Teaberry Shuffle commercials I saw when I was a young teen in the '60s. The music, popularized by Herb Alpert, and written by Sol Lake, is The Mexican Shuffle. I loved these commercials and they had many different ones. 

Isn't it interesting how something like this still sticks in my head and I have thought of the Teaberry Shuffle so many times over the years? Effective advertising? Absolutely. I haven't seen the gum in many years, but I understand it is still available. 

But, the main message is that it is so easy and fun to begin to feel good. The Universe sends me an idea to include the Happy Dance in my day, and that takes me to the Teaberry Shuffle. Now, I have decided to have a bunch of fun today dancing around and feeling good all day long.

What A Worthy Goal! 

Spread Some Joy Today--There's nothing like being injoy!