Monday, April 24, 2017

Daily Inspiration 4-24-17

"I've come to a place in my life
where I want what I already have."

-- Terry Minion

Wanting. We can't stop it. We are always wanting, and more often than not, it is something we don't have at the moment. It could be tickets to a concert, or a complete change in geography and venue, or virtually billions of things. We do it all day long too. When we see or experience what we realize we don't want or don't care for, this automatically causes us to want something better or different. It's a perfect system of moving through the living of life experience on the big spinning ball called Earth.

I don't travel much anymore. I used to travel so much that I got really sick of it, wanting not that for a while. It's now been a while, and so I thought I should take the weekend and just go and do something out of town and get a new perspective. I did. It was a gorgeous drive to and from and while there, and yet there were things on this trip not to my liking as well. Finally, the not liking list overloaded the liking list and I cut short a day early and went home.

Home sweet home. There is nothing quite like coming home for me. And, nowadays, there is nothing like staying home for me. But, that is not new. I've always loved staying home, and in days past I used to find all manner of ways to make that happen. Still, it is even better to be home now than it ever has been. It is Shangri-la to me now and there is so much here that interests me that it is a challenge to become bored.

This morning as I was sitting at the table and chairs in my carport gazing into my courtyard watching the birds bathing and eating, and since it is Spring, chasing one another around with passionate motives, I realized that what I want I already have. In fact, I've come to a place in my life where I want what I already have.

Before I left on my little trip, a big lake that was 77 miles away, I was intently staring at a Northern California map wondering where I might like to go. I struggled (as much as I struggle anymore, which is not so much) as to a desirable destination. Before finally choosing Clearlake CA, I opened up to a map of the entire United States including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. I asked myself: If money was not an object, where would I like to go. Strange as it may seem, there wasn't anyplace in the United States that I had a desire to go to right now. Not even flying First Class, via a limousine, helicopter, or any other way. My desire-o-meter was very low. But, when I thought about staying home, my desire-o-meter was very high.

No matter that, I felt that since I don't go much that I should go somewhere. So I chose and went. It's funny how we can cajole ourselves into a decision that we don't really want to make intending to have us feel better. And yet in the end, by realizing that what I want I already have, I not only save time and money but find peace and joy too. Not a bad exchange. And, lastly, the trip was delightful while I was driving through such beautiful areas of nature, and I got a story worth telling as a bonus.

Being Injoy Is Being Where Ever You Really Want To Be Including, And Maybe Especially, Where You Are.

Spread Some Joy Today--by loving where you are, who you are, and what you are doing. 

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