Monday, October 31, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-31-16

"There is such a thing 
as a life without fear." 

-- Michael A. Singer 

Perhaps my teacher, Tony Robbins, was the one who opened my mind on the idea of choosing a different and more helpful and even healthy perspective rather than accepting fear, despair, and the practicing of denial. He used a few simple questions to do this. Here's two of them:

1. What is great about this problem? 
2. If there could be something great about this problem, what might they be? 

Number two is after the typical denial that there isn't anything great about the problem. He calls these Problem Solving Questions, and they are on page 201 of his great book, Awaken the Giant Within. The book was published in 1991 and ever since reading it way back when and I am faced with a situation that is commonly responded to with pity, or feeling sorry for myself, or fear, I would remember that I don't have to follow the norm of how the majority might respond to one of these events. No, I can choose to respond differently. I cannot express with enough enthusiasm how empowering this has been for me. 

Death is the biggest fear in life for most everyone, and when someone close to you dies, you're supposed to mourn and feel sadness, cry, seek the sympathy of close friends, and more. That's what we're taught; albeit, mostly by copying what we see of our parents or on TV, etc. But, there are so many other choices than this.

The same is true with any major life event, such as a diagnosis of a major disease, or so-called incurable disease. As the one getting this news, we could choose the typical responses we've seen on TV or in our family, or we could choose something else entirely. There is no requirement to be sad. Equally, there is no requirement to be happy. We get to choose how we will feel in any situation. We can go with what we've learned, or go on auto-pilot with the norm, or we can begin a celebration instead.

Michael A. Singer said it this way: "The natural ups and downs of life can either generate personal growth or create personal fears. Which of these dominates is completely dependent upon how we view change. Change can be viewed as either exciting or frightening, but regardless of how we view it, we must all face the fact that change is the very nature of life." 

The more I learn about life, the more fascinated I become. It seems to me that there are things I can control, and things that I cannot, but there is one thing I can always control, and that is my perspective, how I view an event, situation, person, or thing. In this way, my feelings become a guide to know what my thoughts are meaning to me.

We all get to choose our perspective. Choosing the norm is fine. Being sad is fine. Being upset is fine. It is all fine. As well, choosing to think and feel different than the norm is fine too. They are all real. And, the best part of that reality is that we all get to choose as we will.

One of the best questions that I think we could ask is this: If I were given six months to live, how would I choose to think and feel about this? What would I choose to do? How would I live the rest of my life?

What if I got excited? What if this caused me to realize what is really important in my life? What if what I've been doing was not nearly so important as I thought? What if I changed? When you have six months to live, would you spend that time in fear and despair? Wouldn't it be so much better to get excited?

Sometimes Getting Excited IS The Cure. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by falling in love with yourself and your life. What a glorious day that will be!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-30-16

"Who are you? 
Who, who. . . Who, who?" 

-- Pete Townshend 

After almost 40 years now, I still love the chorus of that song, Who Are You? by The Who, released in 1978. Plus, it is among the greatest questions we could ever ask of ourselves and others. Who Am I? Who Are You?

Most people would answer the question by stating something about themselves, such as, their name, what they do for a living, something they have done to make a name for themselves, and more. But, none of that would be them. We are all so far beyond all of that trivia. In truth, we simply are.

I want to share an insight of the many insights I gleaned from Michael A. Singer's powerful book, The Untethered Soul. In this book, he gets to the simple depth of answering who am I, and in a very short book, explains so much about understanding ourselves, and aims to help encourage a much more satisfying journey for each of us in our lives.

To simplify who we are after we let go of all the layers of labels we have for ourselves, he says, "Eventually you will get to a point within yourself where you realize that you, the experiencer, have a certain quality. And that quality is awareness, consciousness, an intuitive sense of existence. You know that you're in there. You don't have to think about it; you just know." 

And here's the part that I want most to share this morning. He says:

"To make this more experiential, let's try a consciousness experiment. Notice that with a single glance at a room, or out a window, you instantaneously see the full detail of everything that's in front of you. You are effortlessly aware of all the objects that are within the scope of your vision, both near and far away. Without moving your head or eyes, you perceive all the intricate detail of what you immediately see. Look at all the colors, the variations of light, the grain of wood furniture, the architecture of buildings, and the variations of bark and leaves on trees. Notice that you take all this in at once, without having to think about it. No thoughts are necessary; you just see it. Now try to use thoughts to isolate, label, and describe all the intricate detail of what you see. How long would it take your mental voice to describe all that detail to you, versus the instantaneous snapshot of consciousness just seeing? When you just look without creating thoughts, your consciousness is effortlessly aware of, and fully comprehends, all that it sees."  

I was fascinated with this paragraph--fascinated because it resonated within me. Right after I read that, and ever since I read it, I often just look and pay attention to see, hear, feel, smell, and yes, even taste all that I am aware of in that moment, or as I string moments together into larger blocks of time. It is a glorious, mind-opening sense of awareness that is bordering on magical.

It doesn't matter if I am in or near nature, or I am in my truck, or at an event, or our doing errands, or sitting here typing. There is so much around me wherever I am, and now I notice it all without thinking about it or trying to explain it. It simply is. Certain things get more of my awareness or attention, but even without turning my head, moving my eyes, I sense this grand awareness of being.

Try it for yourself. Look without thinking and sense the depth of your own awareness of all the intricate detail all around you. I'll bet that you too will sense it all in that moment without needing to describe anything. It just is. I'll also bet that this will change the way you look at things, and especially expand your wonder and delight, as it absolutely has for me.

"Behind It All, There You Are." -- Michael A. Singer 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing your awareness to help you find joy where you only saw issues and problems before.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-29-16

"Example is not the main thing 
in influencing others. 
It is the only thing." 

-- Albert Schweitzer 

Perhaps you've had an experience as I have recently where a place you've been doing business with for quite some time has a manager change, and then the entire feel of the place is off from what it was. It is said that as goes the leader, so goes the pack.

I go into my bank at least ten times per month and sometimes more. It is a small branch with a manager and typically three tellers. Earlier this year the branch manager moved to another location and one of the tellers was groomed for that position and it was given them. He was a very happy man, always smiling or laughing, had great banter, had a unique way about him and it seemed that the whole place was in that flow with him. He was also a wandering leader in that he was not holed up in his office most of the time.

I was happy for the person who moved up, and at first there wasn't much of a change, but then it came to feel quite different.

Because I am a happy man, I bring that into the bank with me. I aim to be bright, cheery, and have an enthusiastic, yet calm manner. One of the tellers used to be very light and happy and now has a busy, serious look. I used to love to go to her window, but now she's always busy and I have to go to the others. They are all great, so that is fine.

Yesterday, my ego was saying to me, "did I say or do something to offend her? Her demeanor has changed significantly." So I let it rant just a little. I wondered if I should say something to the new manager or the old manager even. I wondered for the first time, what they might be saying or thinking about me after I left. Then I quickly put my ego back in his cell where he belongs and asked, "what is my best role here?"

Here's what came of that. My role is to be the best authentic me that I can be. My role is to be happy. My role is to send love to all of them, lifting them up in my mind. That's pretty much it. Simple. 

Here's why: First, it is none of my business what anyone else thinks or says about me. I cannot control that, and if I ever tried, it would only mess it up. I have no power there. Second, I can't control how anyone else acts, or how they do their job, or how they choose to respond to the demands of their job, or how they choose to feel. I have no power there. 

Where I do have power is here: I can only control myself. I can only control my own thinking. I can only control my own actions. I can only control my demeanor. I alone choose how I will feel in any situation. 

So what's my best role? To be me. To love. Without conditions. To not try to change others for my benefit. To keep my ego on a short leash and not let him rule because he is a chaotic leader. Love is a better leader. I learned this long ago being a manager since I was twenty-five. Love is the best leader. It never fails.

We Can Be So Much More Valuable By Focusing On The Power We Do Have Rather Than The Power We Don't Have. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by letting love be your leader.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-28-16

"Words are but the vague shadows 
of the volumes we mean. 
Little audible links, they are, 
chaining together 
great inaudible feelings 
and purposes." 

-- Theodore Dreiser 

Long ago, I read that you can count your intimate friends, those with whom you can speak your heart without fear of embarrassment or other concerns, on just one hand. I now understand this more completely.

I attended an annual event yesterday where I know of a lot of the people there, and many I have also worked with, and some are active clients in my business.

I have almost always been a quiet type of person, uncomfortable in social situations. I used to see these gatherings as a sort of competitive environment of who's doing well, growing, becoming more, and who is not, who is popular with the many and who is not, and so on.

I can make small speak and listen to small talk, and yet it satisfies me not a bit. So, when I am not being engaged, I've done something new. I look at each person in the room and feel love for them. Some of them I hug and feel deep love for, and others I may only have just met, or didn't even get around to meeting, and I love them already.

If you've been reading any of these Daily Inspirations for a while, you know that this idea has been coming on me and in practice for quite some time, but when you realize that you are actually doing it without even thinking about practicing it, well, this is a whole new feeling, and yesterday, this feeling came alive in me.

I think the change within me that has caused all of this to come to pass in all its glory to me is that of those that I can count on one hand, the number one is my inner sense of connection with God, or All-That-Is, or the Universe. From this one connection which I find any time I desire by simply relaxing, letting go of resistance, and dropping the rope, I feel somehow connected to all, each in their different body suits, and manners. It is a strangely mystical and absolutely delightful feeling.

I love Theodore Dreiser's quote above because it speaks to me of how I used to feel at these kinds of events, seeing people once a year, or with even more space in between sightings. And, even though mostly those inaudible feelings and purposes go typically unexpressed, I find a way to express some of those feelings and thoughts with one or two or three regardless. But, even that doesn't really matter because they already knew.

There Is A Far Deeper Connection With Each Other In All Of Us. Relax In Its Glory. 

Spread Some Joy Today--OK. Let's call today, Joy Day 1. Tomorrow will be Joy Day 2. String a few more of those together and you've got a Joy Month, then a Joy Year, then a Joyous Life.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-27-16

"There ought to be a law!" 

-- a common misconception 

Consider this succinct insight from Abraham, Esther Hicks:

"Every law that you have on your books today, whether it's a religious or secular law, has come about because you're trying to get somebody else to do something that will make you feel better." 

We Should Be Feeling Really Good By Now. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by turning from the stone you're trying to move out of your way. Feels better already, don't you think?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-26-16

"Seemingly all of a sudden 
I realized that I had the capacity 
to love every person and thing." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

More practical Spirituality, which I now realize is what I've been sharing all along.

Compassion. It's a word that is bandied about with ease. And my understanding of the word is different than the definition in the dictionary that I just read: "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering." That's like saying, "I feel sorry for you and your affliction(s), here's my ten-step method for curing your ills and releasing your suffering." Silly.

Compassion to me, is a grand word, filled with practical and powerful selfless love without any agenda on repair. What a radical difference.

I have to share this beautiful and insightful quote by one of my favorite old "new age" thinkers, Albert Einstein.

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." 

I take issue with only one short phrase: "Our task must be to. . ." There really aren't any rules, and any observant person of the world around us can see that not so many are accepting this task, regardless of the stature of the person suggesting it. No, it's not a must. It's a potential choice. I say potential because we can choose yes and we can choose to ignore it completely.

I have been on this journey of learning to make use of what Abraham, Esther Hicks calls the Art of Allowing. This art or activity is the essence of compassion to me. As I allow others to be what they choose for themselves, and as I don't insist that they be a certain way on my behalf, I am loving them without condition. There is no better way to define the Art of Allowing to me. 

I've been practicing for a long time, but it is only in the most recent years that I have taken off the training wheels so to speak. In releasing myself to practice my own version of compassion in the Art of Allowing, and in expressing and feeling unconditional love, I have come so much closer to the person I truly want to be inside and out.

I'm not 100%. Even so-called Saints have an ego that sometimes pretends to influence. There is no end to the journey as in reaching the destination, but there is greater and greater allowing, becoming, expanding. I would even say that in just the last year, there has been substantial expansion in me. It is ongoing, and I am in love with the process.

So where's the practicality in this? Let's say you're a salesperson, and do you suppose there would be value in loving your prospect that is in front of you, allowing them to be who they are as you do for yourself? As you are choosing love, the other cannot help but to feel it in some way. This helps bring you together in purpose as co-creators of the event called the sale. I know a lot of salespeople look at the transaction with the prospect as overcoming objections, using manipulative words and phrases, with self-focused motives.

Let's say you work on a team, and something comes up that isn't your job and yet you have the opportunity to serve the team or not. What does love do? It serves. Easy choice from a certain perspective. These are just a couple of ways your Spirituality can be made practical.

What about homeless people? Criminals? Terrorists? Heads of State? The neighbor who refuses to take care of his lawn? The potholes in the streets? The flat tire you notice as you're in a hurry to get to an appointment? The guy driving slow in front of you? Friday afternoon traffic? A mistake on your paycheck? A leaky roof? A power outage? Can you love them? Love those things and events? You can if you choose to. Some may be a bit easier than others, but all doable.

Whatever is going on in and around our lives, we always have and always will have the choice of our perspective on them. We can exercise compassion, love, acceptance, allowing, appreciation, or we can choose fear, disgust, hatred, violence, irritation. I have chosen them all and many more. I now practice my definition of compassion. In doing so, I am changed and have released myself from my own prison. The vision of that is like after a week of rain, the sun is shining in all its glory with the clearest deep blue sky, and that sweet smell of that change.

"One Man Practicing Kindness In The Wilderness Is Worth All The Temples This World Pulls." -- Jack Kerouac 

Spread Some Joy Today--by turning your love light on high beam.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-25-16

"Words do not teach. 
It is only life experience that teaches." 

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks 

For words to not teach, there sure is a plethora of words in all their forms around this planet, but I think what Abraham means is that we can read, hear, absorb information in many forms, yet it is making our own decisions about that information that teaches, or is accepted within us.

Abraham Maslow says it this way: "What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself." It's another way to make up our own mind, and the most basic sense is our awareness. Our awareness is essentially our consciousness, or we could say our connectedness with that which we truly are within, deeper even than our thoughts.

I was thinking, how does prejudice remain after thousands of years of evolution? Parents and peers demonstrate it, and it is copied as real, becoming the child's own awareness. And in the close environment of the family regardless of its intimacy, the child knows nothing else. Living in this small world, they are sheltered from other points of view, as well any other points of view are often set up as attackers on their truth. So it is passed on and on and on, generation to generation. Until. Until a child allows information to contradict their history, accept the new premise and practice it in their life.

As this grown child creates offspring, they may choose a more benevolent environment for independent thought, and rather than controlling, control is released.

So there are always those holding on to previous prejudice and those who are releasing it. There is room on the vast planet for all versions as people choose. The key here though is that there is always that choice. 

Life is always more simple than it is often made to be. As an example, to end war is simple. Stop going to war. Of course it is deeper than this, but still simple. Stop thinking of others as enemies. Choose something different. Choose to love them and celebrate their differences. Well, it is obvious that this is very difficult in our world and we've complicated it so much, and so war will always be with us until we change our awareness of ourselves and our world one by one.

At the same time, and in a similar way as in war, pushing against something or an idea is counterproductive. It actually creates more instead of less because we get what we focus on. So, pushing against prejudice creates more of it generally. As in the idea that we can have peace at the end of a war and especially because we won it, we have no peace because we are pushing against peace. War is not a way to peace, but peace is the way to peace. The way is to let go of it rather than giving it more energy by pushing against it.

We push against so many things and make them more prevalent. Cancer, Alzheimer's, and a thousand other dis-eases. We push against bullying, Cyber-bullying, and a thousand other 'wrongs' against others and ourselves. We push against crime and drugs and on and on it goes and where it ends nobody knows. It cannot end by pushing against it, giving it attention, giving it energy. It can only grow. 

To bring this back and temporarily close this message, words don't teach, but they can inspire us to make our own decisions instead of following previous 'norms,' to then act in a way that feels right for us. In the simplest term, we are moving toward love, toward our Spirit, toward that which we often call God, or we are moving away. We know which direction we are going by how it feels. The simplicity continues because it feels good to move toward, to accept, allow, create, love and enjoy, and it feels bad, tense, tight, painful, disempowered, and depressing to move away.

Words Do Not Teach, But Life Choices (Our Experience) Does. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by relaxing in it. Move toward your joy.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-24-16

"Keep a light, hopeful heart. 
But expect the worst." 

-- Joyce Carol Oates 

Continuing with the idea of practical Spirituality.

I love the quote above because it is so silly, but I don't think she was laughing when she wrote it. Sure, "keep a light, hopeful heart," is a grand platitude, but then to negate it with, "but expect the worst," is bizarre, and yet, it is how many of us live in the world today.

It is said that we get what we expect, and so to expect the worst is to attract it to us, and then how long do you suppose a light, hopeful heart will last? Until you turn on the news? Pick up the newspaper?

Does it even occur to us that to expect the worst and then try to keep a light, hopeful heart is so much work? It's got to be tiring, stressful to contradict ourselves all day long. A house divided cannot stand?

We think, 'well, this is life. This is how it is. This is my lot. I can't imagine how I could _________. There's no use in ____________ because ________ is ________.' And, all of this is trying so desperately to have a light, hopeful heart while expecting the worst, isn't it?

That's when people say, 'all that Spiritual stuff sounds good, but it isn't real, and it isn't practical. All that philosophical stuff is bunk.' They agree with Amit Kalantri when he says, "lovers tend to be philosophical, achievers are practical." We want practical. It's like Tony Blair, when he said, "What matters is what works." 

So one of those Spiritual, philosophical things is that Law of Attraction idea: What is like unto itself is drawn. Yeah, so why isn't the money in my bank account yet? Why hasn't my life changed for the better? I've been thinking positive thoughts. . . well, sort of. . . I mean when I think about it I do. . . when I have time to set aside to think. . . but I'm so busy. . . I got so much to do. . . I gotta pay the rent. . . I don't have time for this crap. . . I want results! Now!

Perfect. Results is what the Law of Attraction is all about. It always, unerringly, unfailingly produces results. You think thoughts, and more thoughts like that are drawn, and the more focus or attention is given to a thought to the point that emotion is felt, the more like it are drawn. You could think of that as the gas pedal in a car. The more you press the gas pedal, or the stronger the thought, the faster the car goes, or the faster and more powerful are the like things drawn. 

A strong thought doesn't just draw another like thought, but it also begins acting on the strength of the thought by helping to create opportunities, ideas, circumstances. In other words, those thoughts now become things and those things that match the strong thought become new circumstances, meeting people with similar goals, opening doors that we didn't even know existed.

However, as we work so hard to keep a light, hopeful heart, but expect the worst, we immediately negate the idea of improvement. Instead, the more powerful thought, which in this case has to be to expect the worst, the Law of Attraction goes to work on that, or best case is that we simple stand still and nothing much happens to change. We desire to change, and then we expect to not change, if that makes more sense.

Simplicity is the way the Universe works. Simplicity rules. So to keep it really simple, as we focus on what we want, more of that is drawn, and as we focus on what we don't want, more of that is drawn. We can go back and forth, back and forth at will. We can wonder why these bad things keep happening to us when that is not what we want, and wonder why our positive thoughts don't seem to help. But, that doesn't change the fact that the simplicity and consistency of the Law of Attraction is at work 24/7/365.

Realizing this is always working on our behalf is all that is needed to understand what we are getting. If we are not getting what we want, follow the trail to our thoughts and expectations. Expectations are only thoughts that have more power, and that is why we get more of what we expect than what we think. 

Practicality and the Spiritual Law of Attraction are one in the same. It is eminently practical, and it is also completely Spiritual. Make use of it or ignore it as one might wish. It doesn't care. Use it to benefit yourself or bring more and more hardship. It doesn't care. It is completely and exquisitely neutral.

Your Wish Is Its Command. Wish For. Wish Against. Your Choice. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by making the simple choices. I recommend the ones that feel good.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-23-16

"Many think Spirituality 
is a buzz word 
for that mystical unknowable 
 which is beyond 
that which we live, 
but Spirituality without practicality 
is impotent." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

When I think of Spirituality, I think not so much of some idea to attempt to explain the depth of our being, or even the connection of all beings, or even the eternity of life, but I like to see how I can have it relate to my actual living day to day on this blue planet called Earth spinning in space in the middle of nowhere.

In other words, how does considering Spirituality help me in my daily life? So, as I study this thing called Spirituality, I seek to use that knowledge in my life to improve, grow, expand, understand. As well, when I write my thoughts out here, I always try to say it in a way that can be useful right here, right now to help us live life more fully. And, last, it has to be simple to be practical, otherwise it will remain esoteric, or only for those who are enlightened and have risen above the practicality of the life most of us live.

The only prerequisite is to realize and accept that there is something more than we. I didn't create me that I am aware of, nor did I create you, nor any other, so there is something going on beyond us. 

Regardless of our age, if we but allow, we can sense within us that there is some kind of connection to something more than we are. Some call it a soul, some Christ Consciousness, others call it Spirit, the Universe, All-That-Is, God, and hundreds of other choices. What we call it is not important, only that we recognize that there is some sort of connection however mysterious that may be to us or not fully understanding it. We all know it is there.

As well, in realizing this connection, we sense without a doubt that it is benevolent and that it is like love, even a very deep love, as we allow ourselves to feel more of the intensity of our inner Spirit.

So here's the simple practicality in its simplest form to consciously connect that mysterious Spirit with our practical mind and body: It is our guide. It doesn't control. It is not like an auto-pilot, or a dictator, however benevolent. All it does is give us advice via our feelings of what might work for us rather than against us. A guidance system so to speak.

Wayne Dyer in his book, Living An Inspired Life, says it this way: "It's important to understand that each and every one of us represents God or Spirit revealing Itself here on our planet." He then demonstrates the practicality by asking, "In what direction are you moving? Being in-Spirit is a direction we take, rather than a destination to be reached. . . It's imperative for all who seek an inspired life to assess the direction of their thoughts and behaviors in terms of going toward, or away from, Spirit." 

Abraham, Esther Hicks uses the analogy of being in alignment with or out of alignment with our Inner Being, or our Inner Guidance System. I love both Wayne Dyer and Abraham's visual explanations, and I have come to use them both in my daily life, every single day now.

Love is a perfect example of being in alignment, and fear being out of alignment. As well, love is moving toward Spirit and fear moving away. Appreciation is in alignment, while complaining is out of alignment. Peace is moving toward Spirit and feeling despair or unworthiness is moving away. 

This is not religion. There are so many religious beliefs. My experience with religion is that more often than not, the Spirit is lost in the dogma, although religion can be helpful for many, and Spirit is within all because Spirit is within us all. Each of us will know whether the rules, laws, and dogma are helping us connect within to our Spiritual connection, or not by how we feel. Feeling good is connecting, feeling off is disconnecting.

So the key or the communication aspect of our inner Spirit is our feelings. As we feel good, relief, improvement, we are moving toward Spirit, or coming into alignment with our Spirit, and as we feel not good labeled in so many ways, we are moving away from our Spirit, or out of alignment.

The simple practicality of Spirit is paying attention to how we feel when we say something, do something, think something. How do we feel when we complain? How do we feel when we dis somebody, put them down, talk behind their back? How do we feel when we appreciate someone, something someone did or created? How do we feel when we are saying yes to love and no to hate? How do we feel when we are afraid? How do we feel when we are at peace? Moment by moment, we know where we are in relation, in conjunction, in partnership with our physical mind and body, and our Soul, Inner Spirit, Immanuel or God within as we accept this very simple understanding of practical Spirituality. 

"Out Of Clutter, Find Simplicity. From Discord, Find Harmony." -- Albert Einstein 

Spread Some Joy Today--by realizing that joyful connection to All-That-Is within yourself. You only have to let go and breathe.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-22-16

"Inspiration has nothing to do 
with whether we win or lose." 

-- Wayne Dyer 

In his wonderful book, Living An Inspired Life, Wayne adds, "Attempting to do something, even if it doesn't succeed is inspiring because we don't tend to regret what we do, we regret what we didn't do. Even following a futile attempt, we're inspired because we know that we gave it a shot. It's wondering whether we should or shouldn't try something that leaves us feeling stressed and incomplete." 

Who won the World Series in 1935? Who lost it in 1947? Does it matter? Does it really even matter who made it to the World Series, or the Super Bowl? What really matters is that people showed up, and came together to do, to be a part of doing.

What does it mean to be number one? It means nothing after the contest is over. What does it matter if you got into the Hall of Fame? After you got there, it doesn't. It really doesn't matter what we did, but only matters what we are doing. I have, as all others have, a long list of things we have done. We have judged them while doing and after they were done. Sometimes we hold on to them and carry them like baggage for long periods. Some feel good, some don't. And, none of that really matters because it is over. Done. Used to be. Was. Not today. Not now. History.

What matters only is now. What are we doing now? Are we bringing the fullness of ourselves to what we are doing right now? The more we let go of what was, and what may be, the more fullness we can bring to what is. 

When we connect with the fullness of who we are in the moment of now, we cannot help but be inspiring to others. What is important in the now moment? Pure experience. Learning. Loving. Being. Caring. Respecting. Sharing. Giving full attention to others. Injoying. Whatever the tasks in front of us, they are no bigger, nor any more important than can fit in the moment. There is no stress because stress is a reflection of the past, and a projection of the future. Stress cannot exist in the present moment.

What is interesting to me about the present moment is that it contains all of time. It is as if time is vertical rather than horizontal. It is as if there is no such thing as time. There is only experience, awareness, and as we are in this physical body, there is doing, and the only time that we can do anything is the present moment. I cannot do anything in the past. I cannot do anything in the future. I can only do right here, right now.

This is the value of inspiration. It is being in the present moment as much as possible. To practice it, to live it. The future which doesn't really exist, will take care of itself. It will do that in the present moment. The past which is sort of an illusion--a memory will be what it was when we release our hold on it. The only time we can do that is right now.

There is nothing but now. Now is the place we live. If we are actually present in the now moment, we are inspired, and we are inspiring. As we drag around the past and project the future, we are cloudy, uninspiring, out of sync, and we miss the fullness of ourselves and the fullness of the present experience.

What will people remember most about you after you're gone? They will remember when you were present with them in the moment, and the more of those moments you were present with them, the grander the memory. Will they care if you were number one in your job? Will they care how hard you worked, and how many hours you put into it? No. They will remember when you were fully present with them.

The Only Real Value Of Living Is To Be Here Now As Freely And Fully As Possible. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by paying attention to your moments as they are here now.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-21-16

"Hate, it has caused 
a lot of problems in the world, 
but has not solved one yet." 

-- Maya Angelou 

The word Semite has come to mean Jew or Jewish, but the word began to describe a wide area of people who spoke certain languages, and interestingly enough, the majority is Arabic.

I'm reading a huge and fascinating book by Ron Chernow called, The House of Morgan - An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance. The history of that family and others in their association spoke often of being anti-Semitic, or hating to deal with Jews, and avoiding any association with them and making that clear with all of their partners.

I've read or heard that sentiment many times, and I have never understood what it means. So I went to Google search and typed in, what are the reasons for Antisemitism? I didn't even have to go past page one as I printed out around 20 sheets of paper from three different sites explaining it as best they could. I was amazed that after all the Antisemitism in the world to now that the reasons were just plain stupid and had no merit that I could find. There were a long list of potential reasons, and not one reason had merit to me. Not one. Yet, all this hatred for a group of people sharing a religious idea and a certain heritage, and there was no difference between one who was devout, and one who barely recognized the Jewish faith. All thrown in together in the hate room.

Of course, this has been going on for so long, even if there was a valid reason, no one can remember it. And, to this we have added anyone in the Muslim or Islamic faith, whether devout, or barely recognizing there is an Islamic faith, there they are all in one hate room, but a separate hate room from the Jews because we certainly don't want those two huge groups plotting together!

Then there were the Japs, the Nazis, the Protestants vs. the Catholics, the Filipinos, Mexicans, South Africans, Indians, and well, this list is pretty much endless, as well it comes back on the Americans from other countries. It is simply amazing how much hate there can be in the world.

And, here's the best and worst of it: it begins and ends with me. And you. And them. Every bit of it is in our mind. We created it, or we believed it when someone else made it up and passed it along. And, each and every one of us gets to choose to believe it, or to turn away from hate. 

This is also the complete silliness of war. Military generals in our own armies have said, "let's go nuke 'em!" As if that would make their mind clean. We cannot make something on the outside of us into the scapegoat from what we are thinking. We must begin inside ourselves. Do we really want to hate other people? Are there really good enough reasons for hatred? I could find none in history for hating Jews, and none for hating Muslims, or any others. Even if that reason did exist, it would exist only in our own mind.

Just writing this makes me tense inside. So, I relax, let that business go, fall away, be not part of me. Instead, I turn on my love light and love them for the specialness that they have and of the grandness of who they are. I appreciate their diversity, their differences. I have no need to join them in their thinking, but I can appreciate it, as I appreciate the diversity in Mother Nature, all the thousands of varieties of plants, trees, grasses, fruits, vegetables, dirt, rocks, mountains, all around me.

I don't hate the mountain and love the valley, or hate the so-called weed and love the so-called good plant. They are all creations by whomever, or whatever our Creator is, long before I came to be here. Who am I to hate the Creator? But, the hatred of people has nothing to do with the Creator, except in that we have been given the free will to think on our own and make choices on our own. We choose. We choose to hate. And, we choose to love. What does hate serve? Maya says that hate "has not solved one [problem] yet." It never will. It never will. It cannot.

This all applies on a global scale, as well as on the scale of our daily living. We get to choose what we will think and believe. A belief is simply a thought we keep thinking. We get to choose how we want to feel. We don't need reasons to make a choice. We can choose to feel good for no reason and we can choose to feel bad for no reason. How do I want to feel? Great question. What is the reason I feel this way? Does it really matter? What is the value of hate? Hmmmm. Good question! Nothing on my list. What is the value of love? Well, to me love is all.

Whenever some thought or a thought from someone else makes me tense up, I recognize it doesn't feel good. This is our perfect guidance to lay down the rope, relax, breathe deeply, and release. It takes only a few seconds. Once the tenseness is gone, love automatically fills in for me. It is something I have learned to value and practice. It now guides my entire life.

Worldwide Hatred or Worldwide Love Begins With One Person's Thinking And Feeling. Choose As You Will. 

Spread Some Joy Today--as you make that choice.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-20-16

"Knowledge is a priceless gift. 
But the illusion of knowledge 
can be more dangerous than ignorance."

-- Pico lyer 

This wonderful quote that I gleaned from a TED Talk reminds me of the final 2016 Presidential debate last night.

But, more than this, so many of us might think we know when we don't, and for a variety of reasons, we feel that we should know, and that we will fail, and look stupid if we don't know, so we might then be encouraged to pretend we know, to use sound-bites that demonstrate that we have control of some of the words of knowledge, and sometimes we are even successful at fooling people. But, alas, we don't really know.

As long as we realize we don't know, even if we think we should or need to pretend that we know, we are far less dangerous than when we don't know and have forgotten that we don't know, and have adopted with some authority the illusion of knowledge, or the illusion that we know. In this case, we've gone beyond thinking that we know into the place of knowing, and yet it is still true that we don't know, it's just that we no longer care.

What is wrong with not knowing? What is wrong with admitting that we don't know? What is wrong with being open to be taught? What is wrong with allowing others to help us? What is wrong with feeling vulnerable? Why do we think we have to know when we don't? What value is there is pretending we know when we don't? Hmmm. Interesting questions. 

I own a business that works with the Internet. The Internet is a humongous thing. It is vast. It is complicated. It is ofttimes very technical, and even that is complicated. At the same time, it is simple. We all make use of the Internet in one or more ways and may not have any technical knowledge, or need any. To know the Internet fully is not necessary to make use of it. In fact, to know the Internet fully is pretty much impossible.

Yet, that being said, there are a lot of people who pretend to know, who have the illusion of knowledge, and they can be dangerous. Sometimes I have pretended to know more about it than I do and every time I've been caught not knowing. So, I pretty much have stopped pretending. I admit that I don't know.

Of course, there is much that I have learned about the Internet in the process of doing business within that realm, but pretty much what I have learned is that there is so much that I don't know, perhaps a million times more than I do know.

It's funny sometimes when I'm talking to a knowledgeable Internet person who is surprised when I don't know something, and so they wonder how I can be in business and not know. I have to say that this is an interesting concept, but it works. I'm certain that the seemingly knowledgeable person that I refer to also knows many times less than he or she claims to know. It's just that they have the illusion of knowledge maybe, or they could have gone beyond to not caring what they don't know.

Well, I could go on, but I'll stop here. What is wrong with not knowing? I don't think there is anything wrong with not knowing. Besides, there are numerous people who know more than I who have been willing to share their knowledge. I think we each are in these same places in our lives. We help fill others, as they help fill us. It is only in our ignorance and being closed because we think we know that gets us in trouble. As we admit, even celebrate that which we do not know, we are open to the truly magic world of learning. 

"You're Only As Strong As Your Readiness To Surrender." -- Pico lyer 

Spread Some Joy Today--by chilling with your killing and becoming more willing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-19-16

"The way to work with resistance 
is by relaxing." 

-- Michael A. Singer 

This morning I'm taking part of one page in easily one of the most powerful books I have ever read, The Untethered Soul, by Michael A. Singer. If you haven't read it, I absolutely recommend it. I've sent it to my entire team and many other friends to share the love just a bit. And, this post is meaningful to me because I have figured out what Michael is saying here, although we use different words in some of it. It is about resistance and what it does within us and how to deal with it. In essence the quote above says how: by relaxing.

I've called it letting go of the rope. I'm a very visual thinker I guess, and when I can 'see' a thought, it helps me understand it better. When we are holding that rope as if we are in a tug-o-war game with another opponent or multiple opponents, or it is also true that our opponents need not be people, but can easily be thoughts, beliefs, ideas, scenarios, and more. As we hold that rope, there is a great deal of resistance within our body and our mind too.

We're tense, our muscles are taut, we are struggling for our space, where we want to be, to hold on to our point of view, or any number of reasons that we are holding that rope. We are resisting the pull of our opponent(s) and often those opponents are within our own thoughts.

I usually say to drop the rope, let go, lay it down, turn toward peace. This is exactly what Michael refers to using the word relax. We simply and exquisitely relax. As we relax, all that chatter becomes white noise, and as we return to our inner peace, even the white noise disappears.

Michael says, "This process of relaxing through resistance is beneficial to everything in your life." I agree. By making the choice to relax, let go of the rope, turn toward my inner peace, this act has dramatically improved my life. Major.

He adds, "Deep inner release is a spiritual path in and of itself. It is the path of nonresistance, the path of acceptance, the path of surrender." Another word I use often that I learned from Abraham, Esther Hicks is to allow. They call it the Art of Allowing. Learning to allow everyone and everything around you to be what it is without my needing to attempt to direct or control it.

Michael adds, "The key is to just relax and release, and deal only with what's left in front of you." In other words, ignore, or rather, release allowing the noise around you to control because it is way too much. Overload. Bring it to a simplicity by giving your attention to only what is right in front of you--here and now.

Here's the best part. He says, "You will feel much more love than you've ever felt before. You will feel more peace and contentment, and eventually nothing will ever disturb you again." I wholeheartedly agree. As I have practiced letting go, I have experienced love as never before, and it is the unconditional love that blows me away. And, peace? Oh my goodness, yes. Love and peace together is I think, that contentment he mentions.

I no longer have the silly responsibility of changing the world, or even really changing me. I simply let go of the rope, let go of my own resistance, tenseness, and my jumbled confused thoughts. I just let go of me. Once I've let go, I can feel the love welling up within me for all that I was previously resisting.

As he said, "eventually nothing will ever disturb you again." I'm not quite there yet, but I am so much closer to that. I can say now that there is very little that disturbs me, and once I realize that I am acting disturbed, I consciously lay the rope down and come back to love and peace.

Try it for yourself. Next time you feel tense inside, muscles taut, thoughts swirling during your day, stop! Let go of the rope. Relax. Breathe. Spend a few seconds in peace and feel the love well up within you. It doesn't take long, a few seconds will do fine. Then return to your day, your tasks, your meeting, or whatever you were doing. I predict you will see a dramatic difference, but what is better, is that you will feel different. Viva la difference!

Is That Worthy Of Practice? It Is For Me! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by releasing your resistance to all the blocks you've installed to your own joy. Really, that's all it takes. It is effortless.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-18-16

"Life is a death sentence 
in which each of us is given 
a unique period of life." 

-- Albert K. Strong 

What I love about spiritual teachings that I have experienced is not that they prepare me for death or to be unafraid of that inevitable point of the life journey. No. What I love about them is the way they prepare me to practice living a more awakened life--to be more aware of the fullness of life within me and all around me. To be here now. To appreciate more. To love more. To be upset far less, and to convert from being upset to being happy very quickly.

The idea of death used to scare me. I know it can come unexpectedly, and it can also come with a time of knowing it is coming soon. I've experienced the deaths of family members and others in both ways. Sometimes the coming soon part can last quite a while, even years. But, in the end, it isn't the death that matters, it is the living.

No matter what or who, there are always those who are 'left behind' so to speak--who are left here to live for some time longer, and that time is unknown generally. Some hold on to someone's death as if it devastates their life. They mourn for long periods, even years. They have paused their living of life to pay attention to an event that has nothing to do with them. Truly, they are feeling sorry for themselves as they hang on. That act is not focused on the death but what the living person feels they are now lacking. In other words, it is focused on themselves. But we each choose how we will feel about someone else's death.

Instead of mourning there could be joyful celebration. This requires getting out of ourselves and into celebrating that life of the one who died. It helps also to realize that death is not the cessation of life, but a transition to another form of life--a non-physical form. As I realize this, there is no loss, for they are not gone, they have merely and delightfully transformed, and they are still here, though my eyes are not designed to 'see' them. 

It is said that life is for the living, and the living part can be re-energized, or refocused by the death of someone we know, as well as the thoughts of our own potential transition. It could then be said that death is to enhance the living. Or, certainly it could be.

As I learn to let go of the seemingly important stuff all around me, along with all my cares and woes, I can experience more of what it is to be alive and to learn to appreciate this life and this living, and to live it more fully.

It begins by being open to the spirit within me. We all have that, yet we may not yet be aware of it. As I align myself with that spirit within me, the God within me, if you will, I am in a place of joy, love, appreciation, knowledge I didn't know I was capable of, and a freedom that requires no defense. I get to choose it all, or not. I get to choose to mourn or not. I get to choose to celebrate the lives of others and that of my own, or not. I get to choose to love or not--to appreciate or not.

Is death really a reminder to live and to enjoy life? I think, yes.

I Choose To Focus On Delight. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by laying down that tired old rope you've been holding on to. Feel the joy of that act of choosing to live!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-17-16

"The meeting of two personalities 
is like the contact 
 of two chemical substances: 
if there is any reaction, 
both are transformed." 

-- Carl Jung 

On Friday morning, I had a fascinating experience. I went to Walmart to pick up a few things. On my way in, and as is typical around this store, a needy person was asking for spare change from someone to my left. I thought that I would catch her when I came back out and give her some money.

When I came out, I was prepared and as I turned the corner, she was no longer there, but in her place was a tall black gentleman standing and he seemed to be preaching. I pushed my cart over and stood directly in front of him, and faced him. I was within 2-3 feet of him. For just a moment, he was ever so slightly startled that I stood there so close, but did not move and he didn't miss a beat in his message.

He had a deep, pleasant, and booming voice. I don't think he would need a microphone in a large auditorium. His message was all about coming to Jesus, stopping our sinful ways and such. It wasn't hell, fire, and brimstone, but it wasn't as positive as it could have been either.

I stood there for at least 2-3 minutes staring at him, smiling, giving him love and attention. Other than that one moment of being startled, he didn't even acknowledge that I was there. He didn't look at me directly, although I was looking at his face the whole time. His head was going back and forth preaching to what he might have imagined was a big crowd, but essentially, I was the only one giving him or his message any attention at all.

I thought that perhaps he might say something to me, ask for a donation, ask me directly to come to Jesus, or anything else to even acknowledge my presence. He did not. I was amazed.

After the time I was there, I turned my cart and headed to my truck. I passed a lady who said something about the weird old man out of his mind, yapping away. I said to her, "he is enjoying himself and doing what he loves to do." She seemed surprised by my remarks.

People are amazing. Just watching them is fun and insightful. I was in this guys face so to speak, with a huge grin on my face, enjoying his wonderful voice and his act of speaking out his thoughts and feelings. I would have loved to sit down and have a long conversation with him, but he had his job to do and he was very much into it.

The fact that he didn't move away from me, side to side or back away, I thought was so interesting. I was very close to him and he stood where he was the whole time I was there. We were about the same height so we were eye to eye.

I've never had an experience like this before. I've certainly seen numerous people preaching outside, but this was so different. It was intimate. It was powerful. I felt nothing but love for the man, and I was truly enjoying hearing him speak, while watching the determination in his face. I could tell he meant what he was saying, and I was enjoying him; albeit, his choice of perspective on the message was not for me.

I did agree about placing my focus on God. I love a little story by Alan Cohen in his book, The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore. He was upset that two friends of his had a falling out and parting of the ways. He talked with his teacher about how badly he felt about the breakup, and that he didn't understand it.

The teacher asked him, "what kind of happiness is that? You have let their actions determine your happiness. They were together and you were happy. Now they are apart, and you are unhappy. What will you do if they get together again? . . . Be happy? Do not invest your happiness in the outside world, which is constantly changing and can never bring you real peace. Why not place your happiness in God, the unchanging, Who will never let you down?" 

I think this is what the man at Walmart wanted to say, but he didn't know how to say it. He was commanding rather than encouraging. That might work with some, but Alan's teacher will capture more with his or her message.

Love And Enjoy People As They Are. I'm Sure We Would Appreciate That Sentiment From Others. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by seeing all the many ways to experience joy in your life.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Daily Inspiratuin 10-16-16

"The ultimate judge of your swing 
is the flight of the ball."

-- Ben Hogan 

As this quote relates to golf, and it speaks of truth being told by the effects of our actions, it seems like a great point of view, and certainly somewhat poetic in its expression. However, it is but one point of view of the event.

One could take a view from outside in any point where the event can be seen and come up with a different view to express. There could even be criticism of the swing, the stance, the posture, the hands and grip, the follow through or lack thereof, the choice of club, the angle of the club, the dampness of the grass, or a hundred and one other thoughts about this one simple event.

At the same time, the event can be complicated dramatically in having the event take place in a tournament, and even more dramatically in the final shots of the tournament where everything, even a lifetime of work is poured into this one critical shot. We do tend to take the simple and complicate it, and the more points of view there are, the more complicated it gets.

Then there's the memory. Years later someone recalls the event. It was a big event, an important event, and all the points of view that were there have a point of view in their memory, complicated more by their own recollections of so many other events, how they are feeling that day, and any number of other influences mingling around that memory.

Then, many years beyond this distant memory, where most, if not all of the points of view have passed from this point of life, one takes upon the task of recreating the event from those records that may still exist, which may include a handful of the points of view who bothered to recall their memory to paper or other record such as telling the story to someone else who is currently available or who recorded it for posterity.

At the same time as the event itself, there are untold numbers of interconnected events as in the lives of the people involved that led to this event and their participation in it, including other factors that perhaps have some bearing on the event, the progress of the event, or the outcome of the event.

In other words, the more you look for, the more is going on. It is no longer an event. It is history. This is history, and it is told in all manner of ways. Yet no matter what depth one goes to in order to understand the event, it cannot be fully understood. Not even when the event took place. For the now that was the event was so full of information, it could not be contained in any record as a complete event. It is simply what each point of view says it is, whether at the event in real time, or as history at any point in the future.

This is the same with the people who are involved in the event. Each of them is unique and brings all of their accumulated living to the event with them. They can be judged by points of view on any point of that accumulation, as well they can judge themselves in that same way, and yet this is but a point of view, isn't it?

I have studied much history, and particularly of the United States, with special attention to selected events and in depth biographies of many of the people involved in the events, with focus on the accumulated living of that person.

I have realized that this study of history is interesting, but not Truth. There is no Truth, but only points of view. I love how Albert Einstein said, "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." But, don't take this wrongly. I am interested and enjoying history. It is simply that I try to keep it simple in that I enjoy the story and find appreciation in its expression without taking it too seriously. What I mean by taking it seriously, is that I allow it to be as it was expressed, but I don't get upset by it. I look at it as it is stated and let it go.

This does not mean that I do not learn, or that I do not use what I have learned in it within my own life. I certainly do. One of my favorite quotes by Abraham Lincoln is this: "I don't like that man. I must get to know him better." This is like history to me, not only of events, but certainly of people. It applies in history. It applies in my life today, right now.

I can only judge from a point of view, and I am taught by history that my point of view, or a point of view is so limited as to be almost insignificant. To judge from this place is to be as ignorant as to not have known at all.

I have learned to love people more, to appreciate them, for their circumstances in history, for the various points of view that might attack them righteously or without any merit other than their own personal or political agenda. This affects me today in choosing to love people regardless of what others, or any other recording might say about them. These are merely points of view. I may have my own, and I cannot see from their view, so I take that as an expression of a perspective.

I choose to love them in all of it. I choose to love the events they were involved in as is going on here today. History is being made every second of every day in each and every point of view. Each of us chooses what to think and feel about that.

I Choose To Love, And To Enjoy The Story. And To Learn To Broaden My Point Of View. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by giving everyone the benefit of doubt. Seek to find something to appreciate in another, and events. This will open the door to invite in more and more joy. Your point of view is malleable.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-15-16

"Anything worth doing 
is worth doing poorly 
until you learn to do it well." 

-- Steve Brown 

Following up with yesterday's very simple, all profound statement to choose to feel good, here is a quote from Abraham, Esther Hicks to ponder for your Saturday:

"All the resources you will ever want or need are at your fingertips. All you have to do is identify what you want to do with it, and then practice the feeling-place of what it will feel like when that happens. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have. You are blessed Beings; you have come forth into this physical environment to create. There is nothing holding you back, other than your own contradictory thought. And your emotion tells you you're doing that. Life is supposed to be fun-it is supposed to feel good! You are powerful Creators and right on schedule. Savor more; fix less. Laugh more; cry less. Anticipate positively more; anticipate negatively less. Nothing is more important than that you feel good. Just practice that and watch what happens." 

Practice Is The Best Part Of The Journey. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by simply allowing it by letting go of your resistance to it. That's all it is. It is there all the time if you will only let go of your cares and worries and allow. Even a minute at a time is progress!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-14-16

"There is nothing 
more important 
than to feel good." 

-- Abraham, Esther Hicks 

As I got up this morning, I was thinking about all the hundreds of books that I have read and continue to read on self-development, spirituality, so-called self-help psychology, so-called new age, etc. I am drawn to one and then another, and another as if they were bread crumbs along the path guiding me. I learn from each of them. I find value in each of them, and they are all the same and yet they are all different too.

I was meant for this journey, and in my later life, I am meant to share what I've learned as I have digested it, and am able to speak of it in my own voice as I have come to know it. All of that fascinates me. I could be doing a lot of things in my life, and yet this time that I spend with these Daily Inspirations is to me the most valuable thing that I do or even could be doing right now.

This morning, I wanted to share the single most important lesson that I have learned in my life: to learn how to feel good, and learn the value of feeling good, and how it can direct my life. You could also say choosing happiness, or as Michael Singer so delightfully said it, to practice unconditional happiness.

As I look back, the thing that guided me the most was my own sense of universal application. I would read an author and they would spell out their plan of salvation and have 50 points about it and all these 'should's,' and 'must do's' in order to get to inner peace. I read and considered, and took what resonated with me and left the rest there.

This is the perfect way to learn as far as I'm concerned. If it feels good to me, or rather, as it resonates with me, it is truth to me. As it feels off or bad or does not resonate, I've learned to simply let it be. 

I've read the Bible twice cover to cover and I did that before I started going to church at age 45. I remember a pastor saying that the Bible is the only book that is truth and that all truth is in the Bible and that you have to take the whole of it and not pick and choose what feels good to you. I completely disagree. God is still writing through authors today. She didn't stop at one book. And, though there isn't value in all of it in that way to me, there certainly is value in there that has resonated with me as if it was meant only for me.

What I mean by my own sense of universal application is this: To me, the message needs to be simple--really simple. It has to be able to be understood by a child. I love Albert Einstein and his thoughts on this subject. He says, "out of clutter, find simplicity." That is what I search for most: finding simplicity out of the clutter. He says, "if you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself."

I learned the real value of feeling good from Abraham, Esther Hicks, and I have also learned it from several other authors such as Joseph Campbell, where he said, "follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." 

What is it to feel good? It means to vibrate at a higher level. It means to follow your heart. It means to love yourself, love others, love what you do. It means to appreciate everything that is around you--all of creation. It means to appreciate your own value and the value of all of those on the planet regardless of what might be said to the contrary about them. It means to seek the light rather than the darkness. It means to turn our eyes and heart toward God, the Universe, All-That-Is. It means to feel deep within that which resonates with our inner being, our Immanuel, our soul, or whatever words might please you.

It means to practice these things, and to not save them for later in private. It means to run our business with things that feel good to us like integrity, service, providing value, exchanging value, caring, giving others the benefit of the potential doubt. It means practicing kindness, courtesy, patience. It is being at peace within whether we are in heavy traffic on the freeway, listening to complaints, or letting go of overwhelment. It is releasing resistance, letting go of the rope, not being concerned about who's right and who's wrong, who's to blame, who should pay, who's doing what we disagree with.

Feeling good is love. Feeling bad is fear. In this world of duality, and to make it as simple as it can get, there is love and there is fear. Truly, it is simpler than this: there is love and there is turning away from love. There is choosing to feel good, feeling good, acting as we feel good, and there is turning away from that and calling it anything you like to justify that point of view.

This is not something you should do or not do. Only you can choose for you. I do it. I practice it. I'm getting so much better at it by practicing it. I keep what resonates, and let the rest go. I resist less and less each day. I choose not to fight. I choose to love. I choose peace. I choose freedom. I choose to appreciate everything--to experience life in its fullness. The joy that has expanded in me brings me to tears quite often. I am in love. To learn to feel good is the single most important thing I have ever learned. Ever.

What Is The Value Of Feeling Good For You? 

Spread Some Joy Today--by allowing your joy expression.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-13-16

"How does it feel 
to live the life 
of your dreams?"

-- Albert K. Strong 

Wallace D. Wattles, in his book, The Science of Getting Rich, that was the initial inspiration for the movie and book, The Secret, says that after deciding what we really want, we must, "act in a certain way." He goes on to say that we need to focus on the present holding with faith our inner desires. He says for us to "put your whole mind into present action. Do not give your creative impulse to Original Substance, and then sit down and wait for results; if you do, you will never get them. Act now. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now." 

He says not to worry about yesterday's efforts or work, concentrate on today, right now. As well, he says, don't worry about tomorrow and what will or will not come, there is only right now to deal with and that if we will "hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all of your mind," it will be yours. For him, to act in a certain way is to give our best to the tasks and needs before us right now regardless of where we would rather be.

Wallace D. Wattles wrote that in 1910, and he is one of so many, who have said the same thing in various ways. As we focus on what we have to do in front of us, we release our immediate preferences, quiet to some degree the inner chatter about our preferences and all that surrounds them, and in doing so, we find a certain peace in our immediate present which opens us to what will come next for us.

I just finished, The Surrender Experiment, by Michael A. Singer, and he says that concentrating on the moment and the things to do in the moment was exactly what was needed. His approach to the moment was the same, but rather than having faith in what he wanted, it seems that he simply released his desires of outcome completely. It seemed that he wanted nothing at all.

At first sight, that is what it seems he did--but only for his worldly desires. He let them go completely and surrendered to whatever the Universe or Life would bring. He would immediately struggle for a moment or so, and then let go of his inner chatter by concentrating on what was in front of him and being amazed at what came next. But, in truth for him, he was holding on in faith to his most powerful desire, that of releasing himself, letting go of the mind chatter, and being one with the moment, in peace, one with Life itself. His desire wasn't of things, or situations of the world, but of inner peace and tranquility.

We all have wants, strong desires, dreams for the life we want to live, and many of us are perhaps already there, living that, though there is always more when we are ready for more. There are as many wants, desires, and dreams as there are stars in the sky, but I think in all of them, by following the advice of these two spiritual guides and doing with all our heart what is in front of us at the moment, will suffice to guide us toward that which we would like better. In fact, in Michael A. Singer's place, as many others too, he attracted far more than he could have ever imagined possible.

It is said that we can ask and it will be given, and in our asking, we are thereby clarifying what we would prefer, and this can be helpful for us. To God, or the Universe, or Life, or All-That-Is, this is not needed for It. That is already known, and as we learn our various ways of getting out of the way, dropping the rope of resistance, allowing, we may be then surprised at the path having led us to what we wanted, and often far more than we imagined. We can often actually see that magical path when we turn and look back. As we focus on what is at hand with our heart, head, and hands, we only need faith--trust--that the path we are following is true.

Make Your Work Today A Gift To The Universe! 

Spread Some Joy Today--by giving your best, living your best, loving your best.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Daily Inspiration 10-12-16

"Show everyone else 
 exactly how it is done 
 in your tenaciosity."

-- Terry Minion 

[Below is an article I wrote last week for the upcoming issue of Ford Pros Magazine, which I have had the privilege and honor to contribute to since 2008. This quarterly magazine is sent to Ford dealers and is part of the National Ford Truck Club. I was thinking about this article this morning and couldn't get it out of my head, so that guided me to share it with you. I think the message is certainly worthy regardless of what you may do in your work life. Of course this one is focused on commercial trucks and fleet sales. Perhaps it may mean something to some of my readers.]

I applaud all of you who are serving the public by selling vehicles, and especially those who sell upfitted commercial trucks, and commercially-oriented vehicles from pickups to vans to dump trucks to buses. There are not so many that have the desire to get involved in this exciting end of the auto business, so I congratulate you for your desire, courage, vision, and tenacity. Bravo!

Those last few words are signposts that guide everyone in this business, and what their desire is matters, how much courage they have matters, how big their vision is matters, and tenacity, well, tenacity is the end game, isn't it? As well, these subjects are good questions to ask ourselves from time to time, such as, what is my desire? What exactly is my vision for this operation and what is my place in it? What is the depth of my courage? How courageous am I? How committed to this am I? Although, I think the last one answers itself from the type of answers to the other questions. Tenacity has everything to do with desire, courage, and our vision.

Some of us who may be commercial sales people might tend to wish the GM or dealer would give us more support. Or maybe we are a one-woman operation and feel overwhelmed sometimes, yet doing the best we can, or thinking that anyway. It's easy to look outside of ourselves for what might be missing, or what we think we need to be more successful, but I know from experience on the ground at the front lines that it isn't outside, it is inside. Our desire, courage, vision, and tenacity is what drives everything around us. Believe it because it is true. Also, as that is developed and expanded, it is a skill you can take wherever you may roam. This dealer pulls the plug? No problem, you are in command much more than you think. . . . depending on how you handle your desire, courage, vision and tenacity.

I've written a book on the subject of being successful in commercial trucks: Commercial Truck Success. It is simply written and is written from actual experience on the line. You might find some ideas in there helpful, or you could follow the path I was on creating a number one operation in three states, but what would be even way cooler than this, would be for you to find an idea, or a few from that work, make them your own, add your own ideas, and create something better than I even imagined. I actually know more than one who have done just that.

But, it isn't me, the book, or the dealer's permission or support, or anything else external to yourself. It's all up to you, and you alone. You set the tone with your desire. You take the risks necessary to excel with your courage. You plan the future and expand into it via your vision. And, you show everyone else exactly how it is done in your tenaciosity. Yes, tenaciosity. Put them all together with your dynamic personality, and wa-lah, you can write your own book, along with your own ticket anywhere you want to go. Nice going! You rock! The praises never end! Hey, and don't forget to send me a copy or a link of your book. I want to read that story!

If It's To Be, It's Up To ____! 

Spread Some Joy Today--because you got the power! You got the power!