Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Daily Inspiration 2-4-15

"We save the world 
by being alive ourselves."

-- Joseph Campbell 

Today I want to share a wonderful song. The vast majority of songs I have noticed are more about problems, failing love and well. . . generally about life. And, I find it interesting and a bit telling how few I find that are really uplifting and very positive.

Just a few years back, Jason Mraz recorded a song called, Living in the Moment, and it is pure positive energy any time you need a lift. The lyrics are on the video, and I hope you enjoy it. You may even own it, and maybe it will brighten your day today!

My Favorite Line: "Easy and Breezy, With Peace In My Mind, Peace In My Heart, Peace In My Soul, Wherever I'm Going, I'm Already Home." -- Jason Mraz 

Spread Some Joy Today--by sharing something that inspires and uplifts you.

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