Friday, June 21, 2019

Daily Inspiration 6-21-19

"You are never given a wish
without also being given
the power to make it come true.
You may have to work for it, however."

-- Richard Bach

[Classic post from 7-15-17]

Continuing again on the subject of honoring ourselves. Yesterday, I wrote about how doing what we love for a living is not really work at all, and it is one of the great ways in which we honor and love ourselves.

Several posts back, I referred to John D. Demartini's book, The Values Factor, and had a link to answer 13 questions to help us find what our highest values are. In so doing, we can then have a great deal of insight into what we do and how that works out for us. As we are aligned with our highest values--you could say, our uniqueness here--we thrive in all ways, and as we discount them, follow other criteria, we often may not thrive.

In his book, Dr. Demartini mentions a woman in one of his weekend seminars that demonstrate a lot of what I wrote about yesterday. The story he shared was about a woman who was on the heavy side and stated that her highest value was dancing and that she couldn't figure out how to make a living doing that, especially with her physical shape where most professional dancers are thin. She said that she loved dancing so much and that she was particularly skilled at flamenco dancing.

He asked what her second highest value was. She said it was traveling, which is also one of Dr. Demartini's top four values for his life. He suggested that she combine her two highest values by going to a dance training center and giving notice of a special travel event that combines dance instruction in another country learning international dances in the country they were made popular, and have a wonderful adventure at the same time. She got excited and created a teaching trip to Spain and had several people sign up and go to Spain and learn flamenco and other dances of that country. She was now making a living doing what she most loved to do and fulfilling her highest values at the same time.

In the business I created out of thin air back in January of 2008, I am doing what I love and fulfilling my highest values as well. My highest value is learning, and the second highest is teaching. Though I own an Internet marketing company, in truth, I am paid to learn, and I am paid to teach. What's interesting about that to me is that I had never thought of it that way until recently.

As we are open to learning what our highest values are, we honor ourselves. As we align what we do in our lives to our highest values, we honor ourselves. As we are aligned with our highest values, we serve others and honor them. We serve them not so much in doing good deeds, or even doing things for them, but simply by being our truest selves.

We are all made (as is everything else) of energy. As we can feel that we are aligning with our truest selves within, everything we do, including nothing at all has a different effect on ourselves and all the other people (energy) and things (energy). We can sense this alignment in each other and feel the peace of it, and the joy of it. At the same time, we can all sense when it is out of alignment in us and in someone within our space.

I'll leave today's post on this subject with this quote that spells out the work involved in being in alignment, assuming that work, as stated in the quote at the top, is really something we need call work. I think it is more a matter of a willingness to risk choosing a more fulfilling life.

"And The Day Came When The Risk To Remain Tight In A Bug Was More Painful Than The Risk It Took To Blossom." -- Anaïs Nin 

Spread Some Joy Today--in considering another quote by Anaïs Nin: "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

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