Friday, February 9, 2018

Daily Inspiration 2-9-18

"Inspiration has nothing to do 
with whether we win or lose." 

-- Wayne Dyer 

[Classic post from 10-22-16]

In his wonderful book, Living An Inspired Life, Wayne adds, "Attempting to do something, even if it doesn't succeed is inspiring because we don't tend to regret what we do, we regret what we didn't do. Even following a futile attempt, we're inspired because we know that we gave it a shot. It's wondering whether we should or shouldn't try something that leaves us feeling stressed and incomplete." 

Who won the World Series in 1935? Who lost it in 1947? Does it matter? Does it really even matter who made it to the World Series, or the Super Bowl? What really matters is that people showed up, and came together to do, to be a part of doing.

What does it mean to be number one? It means nothing after the contest is over. What does it matter if you got into the Hall of Fame? After you got there, it doesn't. It really doesn't matter what we did, but only matters what we are doing. I have, as all others have, a long list of things we have done. We have judged them while doing and after they were done. Sometimes we hold on to them and carry them like baggage for long periods. Some feel good, some don't. And, none of that really matters because it is over. Done. Used to be. Was. Not today. Not now. History.

What matters only is now. What are we doing now? Are we bringing the fullness of ourselves to what we are doing right now? The more we let go of what was, and what may be, the more fullness we can bring to what is. 

When we connect with the fullness of who we are in the moment of now, we cannot help but be inspiring to others. What is important in the now moment? Pure experience. Learning. Loving. Being. Caring. Respecting. Sharing. Giving full attention to others. Enjoying. Whatever the tasks in front of us, they are no bigger, nor any more important than can fit in the moment. There is no stress because stress is a reflection of the past and a projection of the future. Stress cannot exist in the present moment.

What is interesting to me about the present moment is that it contains all of time. It is as if time is vertical rather than horizontal. It is as if there is no such thing as time. There is only experience, awareness, and as we are in this physical body, there is doing, and the only time that we can do anything is the present moment. I cannot do anything in the past. I cannot do anything in the future. I can only do right here, right now.

This is the value of inspiration. It is being in the present moment as much as possible. To practice it, to live it. The future which doesn't really exist will take care of itself. It will do that in the present moment. The past which is sort of an illusion--a memory will be what it was when we release our hold on it. The only time we can do that is right now.

There is nothing but now. Now is the place we live. If we are actually present in the now moment, we are inspired, and we are inspiring. As we drag around the past and project the future, we are cloudy, uninspiring, out of sync, and we miss the fullness of ourselves and the fullness of the present experience.

What will people remember most about you after you're gone? They will remember when you were present with them in the moment, and the more of those moments you were present with them, the grander the memory. Will they care if you were number one in your job? Will they care how hard you worked, and how many hours you put into it? No. They will remember when you were fully present with them.

The Only Real Value Of Living Is To Be Here Now As Freely And Fully As Possible. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by paying attention to your moments as they are here now.

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