Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Daily Inspiration 7-14-15

"We make a living by what we get, 
but we make a life by what we give." 

-- Winston Churchill 

Anyone remember that Bible passage where we may be "entertaining angels unaware?" I've thought of that many times since I first read it and the synchronicity of certain situations fascinates me.

Today, I filled up my truck with fuel and ran it through the car wash at the station. They recently repaired it, and it still needs some work because it wasn't cleaning the rear window of my camper shell. So, when I drove out, I briefly parked, took out some paper towels and cleaned the rear window and wiped off the front one too. Normally, I would have just driven out

As I got back in my truck, I saw a man about 30 feet away pointing at me and coming over. He had an apologetic story of need and someone he just asked gave him a dollar. He was on his way about 50 miles away and found himself in need of fuel. He was driving a minivan and said his wife was in the vehicle.

I didn't have hardly any cash on me, so I told him I don't have much cash. He said he didn't want cash, he needed gasoline. So, I said, "well, I can help with that. Pull up to a pump." He did so, I filled his tank, which came to $50. He was very thankful. I said, "I'm happy to help a fellow inmate." He laughed. He also gave me his business card saying he would be happy to repay me in landscaping or handyman work, and that he specialized in Japanese Gardens. I said, "Very good! As soon as I attract money, I'm calling you! I love Japanese Gardens." I also gave him my card about our Internet business.

They went their way, and I went on my way. At a stoplight, I looked at the back of his card listing his services. I started laughing and laughed all the way home. It was just so funny to me. Though I would recommend ordering new cards that are spelled correctly, I was very pleased to get this one today. It was delightful, and it was worth way more than $50 in the joy the card brought me this afternoon. 

Later, I showed it to a teller at the bank, but she didn't find it nearly as funny. I said, "It's the little things in life that bring me so much joy."

I Guess You Could Say That I Was Paid In Kind By Getting A Good Plumping Today. I'm Still Laughing. 

Spread Some Joy Today--It is the little things. . .

Side note: If he specializes in Japanese Gardens, why do you suppose that is nowhere on his card?

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