Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Daily Inspiration 6-24-15

"Your best teacher 
is your last mistake." 

-- Ralph Nader 

. . . and your last success, and your last experience, and this very moment. The only secret to learning is to be awake to it, be open to it, and every moment can be a learning experience.

Does learning, or 'a learning experience' mean that we miss the enjoyment of the moment, being in the moment? Absolutely not. It simply means we are paying attention. Based on that, it deepens the experience, the moment.

It is true that I have seen some who don't seem to pay attention, who keep doing the same things without realizing their repetitive behavior. I have confidence that they will awaken at any moment. It might be a song, a phrase, a book, or a look, and then they will awaken. What a glorious time this is, and I have to believe, because of its sheer mountain of ecstasy at the moment of awakening, that all who are human want to experience this. There is more going right in your world and mine than we may notice or pay attention to.

There is more beauty and fullness too. There is more well-being, more abundance, more joy than we may have previously imagined.

This Place Is A Connection With All-That-Is. 

Spread Some Joy Today--by loving the moment you're with.

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